Chapter 5

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Paytons POV

I look up on the navy blue wall of the attic that we just painted last week to see what time it is.
7:30. I'm supposed to be home by 8:00 I guess I better go.

As I get up to leave I tell everyone goodbye, and Tristan decided to walk me downstairs he said he needed to ask me a question. I sure hope this doesn't have anything to do with earlier, when he caught me staring at his sister.

The truth is I really like her but I could never tell her that, why would she like a guy like me? I start getting kinda nervous as we get closer to the door Tristan may be small but he also takes karate and he can be very intimidating.

We stop at the door and I can feel the swet dripping off my face, I hope he doesn't notice.

I was wondering if you would like to go branson with us next month? Tristan asks. Then he continues. It's gonna be mine and Tristana's birthday and our parents told us we could invite one person each. I didn't want to ask you in front of the other guys cause I was afraid they would get jealous.

I slowly and quietly let out a sigh of relief, I didn't want him to notice. I also didn't want him to realize that the main reason I wanted to go was so I could spend the day with his sister. Me and Tristan have always been great friends so of course I want to go, but going with her makes things sound alot better. So I tried to keep my cool.

"Yea man that sounds great I would love to go." I responded

Awesome! I'll see you in the morning

Alright see ya.

And that was the end of our conversation.

I really can't wait until the branson trip, on the inside I feel like screeming I get to spend everyday for an entire week watching the most beautiful girl in the world scream on rollar coaster,s and get dizzy on the teacup rides, and maybe if i can talk them into it I know of a place where they stick you in these giant clear balls and strap you in then roll you down this hill. I know it sounds terrible but Tristana loves doing things like that.

Several months ago our youth group took a trip to branson, and we could hardly get her off of outlaw run in silver dollar city. That's the 2nd biggest rollar coaster in the world!
(I'm not completely positive about that but it was something like that maybe it was the fastest I don't know)

But this time its gonna be different it will be me, the Jacobs family, and whoever Tristana decides to invite.
I can't wait.

Hey y'all! I know this chapter seemed a little rushed but I was having a writers block and this is how it turned out. I hope you still enjoyed reading this chapter though.. comment and let me know what you thought and if it wasn't to hard to get through give it a vote


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