Chapter Fifteen

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The intimacy we had shared still lingered in the air, a sweet and tender echo of the love we had woven together in those stolen moments of passion. As we lay wrapped in each other's arms, I marveled at the depth of connection we had discovered—the unspoken understanding that bound us together. It was a love that transcended mere physicality, reaching into the depths of our souls and intertwining them with a bond that felt unbreakable.
The day had dawned, but our hearts remained suspended in that timeless embrace, unwilling to let go of the magic we had woven in the silence of the night. Scott's eyes fluttered open, and his emerald-green eyes met mine with a gentle smile. "Good morning, babe," I greeted him tenderly.
"Good morning, babe. Have you been staring at me for a while now? I might melt with your stares," he teased, his voice still laced with sleep.
"I can't help it. You just look so calming in the morning, with that gorgeous face and that slight smirk when you sleep. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, though you talk a lot in your sleep," I admitted, feeling a rush of warmth at the sight of him.
"Actually, I think I'm the luckiest one," Scott replied, his eyes soft with sincerity.
As I looked into his eyes, a sense of peace settled over me, and my heart swelled with gratitude. No other man had ever made me feel so cherished and so certain of his love for me. His words and gaze filled a void in my heart that I didn't even know existed. I had always prayed for a love like this, and as I lay there with Scott, I hoped this would last forever, etched in my memory as the moment I found my true happiness.
Two weeks later, while Scott was away spending time with his friends and doing some personal things he had to do, I delved into continuing the writing of our first collaborative script. It had been a struggle for me, but with David and Alice's help, we managed to make progress.
"Hey, is everything okay? You've seemed a bit off lately," David said, noticing my distraction.
"I don't know; I just feel drained all of a sudden. Like I'm not accomplishing anything significant each day," I admitted.
"Are you feeling sick? Maybe you should call it a day and rest," David suggested, concern evident in his voice.
"I'll be fine. I just need a big tub of ice cream. It's so hot in here, I want something cold to munch on," I replied, hoping the sweetness would lift my spirits.
As David dove into our screenplay, Alice and I took a little break, heading down to the lobby to grab a bite in the building cafeteria. I absentmindedly scrolled through my phone, feeling a sense of unease lingering within me. Sensing my restlessness, Alice returned with an ice cream in hand and a concerned expression on her face.
"Hey, are you alright? You look like you're coming down with something. Are you catching a cold?" Alice asked, her brow furrowed with worry.
I let out a small sigh before responding, "No, I'm fine. I don't feel sick at all. Why does everyone keep saying that? David mentioned it too, but I really don't feel unwell. It's just frustrating, you know?"
Alice tilted her head, giving me a knowing look. "Girl, I think you're in denial. David's already told you, and now I'm telling you. You need to go home, take care of yourself, and get some rest. We can handle the script for today."
I hesitated for a moment before stubbornly relenting, "Fine."
I made the decision to finally leave work. Even munching some of the ice cream didn't alleviate the emotions swirling inside me. There was a strange, inexplicable feeling lingering beneath the surface. Later that night, I had Alice come over to my house so we could discuss my suspicions.
"Oh, so this is what you need me to purchase! Kenji and I had an argument about this. I just told him my cousin needed it." Alice explained, frustrated.
"Thanks, Al. I'm just going to use the bathroom," I said, carrying the pregnancy test kit she had bought.
"Hurry up, hurry up! You're making me anxious, too. What did you do?" Alice exclaimed.
"I don't even know. Please just be quiet out there. Let's deal with this first," I responded.
As Alice and I anxiously awaited the results of the pregnancy test, the tension between us was palpable. We exchanged worried glances, both sensing that something might be amiss. My heart raced with apprehension, knowing that this test could confirm my deepest thoughts. This was the defining moment, the pivotal instant that would determine whether my suspicions about being pregnant were accurate or not. With every passing second, the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air as we braced ourselves for the life-altering news that awaited me.
After what felt like an eternity of waiting, I finally went to the living room with Alice. We settled in to watch our favorite TV series, trying to distract ourselves from the nerves pricking at our skin. I handed her the kit, not trusting my own hands to deliver the news, afraid I might stumble over my words and spoil the surprise for myself.
"Did you wash this? It still smells, huh?" Alice wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"Alice, really? Come on, what's the result?" I quipped, a hint of impatience creeping into my voice.
After a dramatic pause, Alice took a deep breath before blurting out, "Okay... um, the result is..."

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