Chapter Twenty-seven

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When everything was fine for us to go home, I and Luke were then discharged and couldn't wait for the moment as we drove back to the farm. I was taken aback to see our immediate families and some friends waiting to welcome us. Inside the car, tears welled up in my eyes, squeezing Scott's hand. "Wow, I didn't expect all this," I said to him, feeling grateful and a little suspicious.
"Yeah, it was a group effort to pull this off," he replied with a smile.
I gazed into his eyes, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. "Thank you, babe. I can't believe you went to all this trouble. I'm truly lucky to have you as my partner, my confidant, and the love of my life."
The moment we got out of the car and Scott held Luke, our families rushed over to congratulate us. "Congratulations, Danni, Scott. We saw the pictures Scott posted. Sorry if it took us too late to come," Jessy said, beaming.
"Thanks, Mom. Do you want to hold your grandson now?" Scott asked, eager to share our joy with her.
"Oh, I think I know someone who should do it. Clark, honey?" she said, nudging Scott's father with a knowing look.
"Where's my grandson? Let me carry my grandson. Hi, little handsome," he exclaimed, reaching out eagerly.
Witnessing the sight of Scott's parents tenderly cradling Luke and their joyful smiles lighting up the room filled me with an overwhelming rush of emotion. It was a moment that made my heart race with happiness and contentment. Seeing their genuine happiness and fulfillment at the arrival of our little bundle of joy, Scott and I shared a silent understanding that just being together, even without saying a word, was all we needed to feel reassured.
It was a long-awaited moment that I had always yearned for, and now that it was here, I found myself unable to dwell on what the future might hold because having Scott and Luke in my life was enough to make everything feel perfect. It was a dream fulfilled, one that surpassed any aspirations for career success, awards, or accolades. The love that surrounded us was what truly mattered—something we had fought for and finally attained. Our home was now complete with Scott and Luke in it, and that was all I could ever ask for.
Not long after, Scott and I decided to return to California momentarily because of some things that we considered that were still important to us. We still need to fix some things in the city before we can finally settle in the countryside. A day later, we were pleasantly surprised that the collaboration between Scott and I had caught the attention of numerous film producers and directors who were eager to enlist Scott for leading roles in their upcoming movies. With the thought of going away from doing some films, I thought this might be a great opportunity for Scott to do what he loves to do.
With a flood of scripts arriving in the emails and considering his ongoing commitment to being a hands-on father to Luke, I couldn't help but feel concerned about the toll it might take on him, especially given the recent events that are still fresh in our lives. Our son hadn't even reached two months old, and yet offers were already pouring in for Scott, for which we were grateful to Luke—our little lucky charm, as we affectionately called him.
"Come, let me hold Luke for you, 'cause it seems your arm might be tired of all that stack of emails in your other hand. Are you sure you can handle all of this?" I asked him, voicing my worries.
"I think I can manage," Scott reassured me. "Added to our individual ventures and the business we're launching together, I think I can take on these acting opportunities, especially with Luke as my source of strength."
"Just Luke? What about me? Luke just came; you forgot about me?" I teased, grinning mischievously.
He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes. "Of course not, babe. You and Luke are my top priority. It will never change."
"I love you," I said, gazing at Scott.
"I love you more," he replied, pulling me and Luke into his warm embrace.
We were about to go to sleep, and as we cuddled in bed, I couldn't help but contemplate the idea of returning to work as well. "I've been thinking about going back to work again," I began, hesitant about broaching the subject. "On one hand, I wonder if it's still right for me to continue working on this screenplay, knowing that my resignation is just there. But on the other hand, with our bundle of joy here, everything seems to be falling into place. It's like I've been given a new lease on life for the sake of my loved ones, a chance to start anew."
Scott reached out and kissed my forehead, understanding the weight of my internal struggle. "I know it's a lot to consider, but just know that we'll support you no matter what you decide," he said, his eyes full of unwavering support.

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