Chapter Forty

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"Good morning, sir!" I warmly greeted him.
"Morning... good thing that I ran into you, Danni. Are you heading to the film location?" he inquired.
"Not exactly, Mr. Trevor. I'm still searching for Scott and Luke. Have you seen them?" I asked.
"Oh, I believe I've spotted them in the hotel garden earlier. So, go find them first and then join us at the location in thirty minutes. I'll just stick around with David, alright?"
"Sure thing, sir."
As I made my way towards the hotel garden, a wave of relief washed over me seeing Scott and Luke playing joyfully. Approaching them, I noticed the fatigue on Scott's face as he tirelessly ensured Luke's happiness, the little kid always wanting to be on the move. I couldn't help but feel grateful for small mercies; at least my contribution was to oblige by playing a 'zombie' for a day if that's what Luke desired, although I couldn't keep up with their energy levels like Scott always did.

In a playful gesture to fix Luke's face, I playfully bumped into Scott, giving him a proud look reminiscent of our old days together. Our unspoken connection speaks volumes, conveying the deep sense of pride I hold for him. As we walked towards the car, Scott expressed his gratitude for my unwavering support, acknowledging the familiarity of my encouraging expression.
"Each time I witness that look on your face, Danni, it never fails to uplift and inspire me. I truly appreciate it. Thank you," Scott remarked warmly, drawing closer as we continued our journey.
"No, Scott, the gratitude is mine to express. Despite me being stubborn and uncertain, your presence has been a steady anchor. I often wonder why you continue to stand by me. We are indeed different people. Yet, I am grateful that you remain by my side," I responded with sincerity.
"You and I, we form a great team, 'cause as you said, and your favorite character said: 'we're both fire, and we're meant to burn together.' Luke understands this well, as he sees how his Papa never tires of comprehending his Mama, right? I will always be here to lend a hand whenever you require it because you have molded me into a better version of myself. Your impact on me is profound, Danni, more than you realize," Scott affirmed, his words carrying a depth of emotion.
"I understand. I always have an intuitive sense about these things. I apologize if there was a moment when I was unable to see clearly. I regret if I overlooked your needs, and I am hopeful for the opportunity to make amends. Will you consider giving me one more chance?" I exclaimed, with hopeful eyes.
"No need to seek permission for that, babe. I love you. I deeply care for you and Luke. Please remember that, okay?"
Currently, with a flurry of activities taking place in our lives, one of the most significant for us is collaborating on our second film. Amidst this busyness, I have found solace in the realization that Scott and I make an exceptional team, as he always knew. Over time, we have developed a strong understanding of each other's strengths and preferences; he is familiar with my scriptwriting style, while I am attuned to his on-screen performance. This mutual understanding has cultivated a sense of ease in our partnership, allowing us to seamlessly align our visions whenever we engage in projects we are passionate about.
As the filming progressed, we found ourselves working harmoniously in a joyful and creative atmosphere, thanks in part to the presence of Mr. Trevor. It's been remarkable how Mr. Trevor unintentionally played a pivotal role in rekindling the synergy between Scott and me. Unexpectedly, he even offered to stand as the godfather at our postponed wedding—an event that I have doubts about materializing anytime soon. Scott remains reticent about the wedding plans, and I see no reason to broach the topic either, respecting his decision to keep it private.

The completion of the film's final scene was approaching rapidly. As we transitioned to a new filming location, it was decided that the beach would serve as the perfect backdrop for the concluding moments of the story. Graciously, my parents offered to help me and Scott look after Luke while we dedicated our time to wrapping up the filming process. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of our tight schedule, it seemed likely that we would be delayed in celebrating Luke's first birthday the very same day. It saddened me to know that we couldn't celebrate it as we wanted, because the film producers wanted this day would be the perfect moment for the film's ending.
When Scott arrived at the house to pick me up for the shoot, I couldn't help but observe his attire, which exuded a sense of formality and importance. It appeared as though he prioritized the day's filming and our journey to the location over our son's milestone birthday. It made me furious and curious as to what's more important for him.

"What are you wearing? I didn't remember we're supposed to wear formal attire until we get to the location, huh?" I asked, puzzled by his choice of clothing, like he was really drawn to his character.
"I was told by my manager to dress formally today. It might be some work-related issue," he explained, adjusting his tie.
"Okay, but what about Luke's birthday?" I inquired, concern creeping into my voice.
"We just finished the final sequence of the film. We'll have plenty of time to celebrate our little cowboy's birthday. Trust me, I've got everything under control," he reassured me with a smile.
"Are you sure?" I pressed, wanting to make sure our son's special day wouldn't be overlooked.
"Don't you trust me?" he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"I do," I admitted, feeling a bit reassured by his confidence.
"Alright then, let's get going," he suggested.

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