2: A Very German Morning

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The sun slowly lifted into the sky, as its shining rays lit up the foggy air that crowded the land.

The bright city was greeted by its rays. As it woke working civilians, ushering them to another day of hard labor.

That was also the case for one particular German, as he got up every morning at the break of dawn to start his tiring day.

He had fields to tend to, though there weren't many of them, as the land that he owned was small. He didn't have the money to afford more, nor did he have money to pay for workers to help him with it. So he was quite stuck in this situation of his.

It was disappointing life to live. As he woke up every morning to find a field of crops that wouldn't grow. And as he went to bed every night without anything to eat.

He was suffering in this mess, but it wasn't his fault. As his father had left him here. Along with his mother, and his younger brother.

He was angry at the other German. For taking their family's only profits and running to the hills with it. Leaving his two children and their sick mother alone to defend themselves.

The yellow German's hatred for his father raged inside of him daily. But his anger just added to the hate that he had for himself, as he felt disappointed that he couldn't provide for his family. That was his job, that's what he was supposed to do since his father wasn't there. But he couldn't do it, he never seemed to be able to do it.

He struggled to find a wife, truly it was a hard thing for him to do when he didn't have anything to offer for one, nor did he have a welcoming place for one.

Though there was something else he could do, that could possibly help him earn something. Though it felt incredibly wrong to do so.

His younger brother would be coming to age soon, which meant that he, Weimar, could kinda, like, sell him off. Yeah. Saying it sounded wrong, and doing it was even worse.

Weimar had been putting a lot of thought into it, and it honestly seemed like the best and most reasonable decision to make at the moment.

They were dirt poor and barely surviving. By getting rid of his brother, not only did he get rid of a mouth to feed, but he would also gain something in return for it too.

Though while his brother didn't have many skills, he wasn't that bad looking, so surely that could get them something. Hopefully that could get them something.

Weimar didn't allow his brother to leave their little shack, not unless he really needed to. Not only was he worried about the other getting kidnapped, but he also feared that if his brother became acquainted with the working world, it may degrade his value.

Yeah that sounded wrong, but whatever, their mother was sick and needed someone to take care of him. So that was Reich's job. To stay at home all day and watch over their sick mother.

While Weimar went out to try to make some money, which was almost entirely impossible.

Reich used to say that they had bad luck, something the two used to laugh together about it. But it wasn't a funny joke anymore, not when things only got worse and worse.

Their mother may pass any week now, and Reich would soon be eighteen, time was ticking by quickly. Which is one of the reasons why Weimar had been looking for a proper suitor for his brother, instead of doing his useless farm work.

Not like he could grow anything anyways- but he had been talking to neighbors of his, and was even thinking about heading more into the city to possibly find somebody who would give him something grand for his brother.

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