26: Awakening

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Warning... Warning... Warning...


Soviet was walking by causally, getting ready after having a surprisingly lonesome evening.

Sending Moscow away did in fact clear up his mind, yet he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something.

Especially when he got to dinner, and was only staring at his three children.

"Where's your mother?" Soviet took his rightful seat, seeing multiple other people start to fill chairs, he could see his father off in the distance, chatting away with someone.

He had forgotten that so many people were over right now.

His little hallway moment with Moscow really was dangerous.

"I don't know."

Soviet looked back at the table, seeing little Russia looking at him with those bright golden eyes.

"And what about you two?" The Russian looked at his other two children. Seeing Ukraine shrug and Belarus numbing on her hand. Great.

The Soviet sighed, waiting for his food to get here. Perhaps the German would show up eventually. Maybe he was running late.

The Russian's eyes suddenly glanced to his side as Moscow walked past him, she waved at him for a moment before going to find a seat.

It wasn't super common to have this many people at dinner, as usually it was just a couple extra people, but it was nice to see so many faces in one area.

When dinner arrived, everyone got to feast, yet there was still no lGerman in the room.

Though Soviet usually didn't care when he didn't see Reich, the German was always at dinner. And on top of that he was pregnant with little Kazakhstan. So shouldn't he be hungry?

Soviet sighed as he looked at his kids next to him. It wasn't usually just him and them. Typically Reich was the one helping them cut their food and entertaining them...

It was awkwardly silent on Soviet's side of the table.

Yet he could feel himself ticking on the insides as he thought angrily. Where the hell was Reich? Dinner would be over and that German needed to eat for Kazakhstan!

Soviet grumbled, his brain turning and thinking of what he would say when Reich would show up.

How dare he put Soviet's unborn child in danger? Was he threatening the Russian by not coming to dinner? By starving himself and the baby?

Soviet was clenching his fork harshly, unpleased as a threatening look hit his face.

Perhaps he would make Reich regret his decision not through words, but instead through actions.

The Russian paused and looked down to his side, staring at his first born son.

The child looked back at him confused. From how his siblings' plates looked, it appeared that the young Russia had tried to cut up his two siblings' food so that they could have an easier time eating.

Soviet's eyes squinted at the child who was supposed to be a replica of his strength and brilliance.

"How old are you again?"

Russia looked at his father confused, surprised that he was being asked such a question, yet he responded anyway.

Soviet's footsteps were loud as he walked down the halls of his palace, he was livid that Reich had not made an appearance at dinner.

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