5: The Missing Husband

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Reich grumbled silently as multiple thoughts clouded his mind. He was busy, very very busy, and very upset at the moment.

He was very tired of Soviet's antics. The Russian was driving him mad at this point. He had thought that they could work this through and get passed this. But that was a very hard thing to do, when only one person was trying to do it.

Soviet was always too busy to do so, as he was off on his 'needed adventures' as he would say, or in other words, his crappy excuse to escape his responsibilities.

The German grumbled as he walked down the hall, the multitude of large windows to his side lit the hall nicely. Though Reich wasn't focused on that, as he was just trying to figure out where he was at this point, he had gotten lost a bit too many times here. Living in such a large place didn't suit him it seemed.

Reich's soft footsteps echoed across the almost empty room as he walked over the shiny marble floor. It looked too expensive to walk on.

He looked out the windows as often as he could, he was looking for something, well, more like someone. Soviet was supposed to be home soon, though he had said that last week, and the week before.

The German ticked as he remembered how the Russian had missed Belarus's fourth birthday.

What a prick, the german grumbled. Even after he had sent the Russian multiple letters, reminding him of the day, he had still missed it, and two weeks later, he still wasn't here.

Not even a card back, there was nothing. Belarus was very sad when her father never showed up for her party. She stayed up all night unfortunately, hoping to see her father appear to wish her a happy birthday, but he never showed up.

The German had some very strong words to say to that stupid Russian once he finally got back.

Reich sighed as he finally reached where he needed to be, he needed to calm himself quickly though. As he didn't want his emotions to explode onto his children.

He reached for the door's handle and opened it, and almost immediately, Reich could see his little children.

"Mama!" Ukraine noticed the German first, and was quick to run over to him. He reached his arms up to his mama, wanting the other to pick him up.

Reich ended up kneeling down to the young country's height, while his other siblings ran over to Reich as well.

Russia was the first to nearly jump onto the Reich. as his three kids fought to hug him.

Eventually they all calmed down, and Reich was able to focus his attention on the maid in the room.

"They weren't too bad, were they?" The German blinked at her, surely handling three young countries was not an easy task.

"They were as wonderful as always." The lady nodded as Reich sighed. Thank goodness for that.

The German went on to usher his children out of the room, dinner was soon, and they needed to make their way towards the dining room. Reich didn't want them to be late after all.

The maid followed them, helping Reich keep all the kids on track towards their destination.

But about halfway through their walk, Reich was stopped by someone else, as his attention was needed elsewhere for a moment. He sent his children off with their caretaker, and promised them that he would join them shortly.

At least he thought he would, until he received the news that Soviet, his wonderful husband, had returned.

The German thanked the servant who had informed him, and quickly made his way off to find the silly Russian.

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