3: A Stranger's Consequences

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Reich stumbled across the green scenery. There wasn't any direct path in front of him unfortunately, so he was going to have to keep track of where he was, and every step he took. He didn't want to get lost after all.

But besides that thought lingering in his mind, he was otherwise enjoying himself. The life around him was flourishing at the moment.

Summer was at its peak, which made the air Incredibly dry and the weather almost unbearably hot. But Reich would simply push through it, he didn't need to be upset about the weather, instead he should be enjoying this little walk of his.

Reich went on walking for a while, perhaps for too long, but he couldn't help himself. The air was so fresh, the wind was just barely there, all the little butterflies he saw were just so beautiful.

He had only seen a glimpse of a big animal here and there, nothing else really, but that was only until he found something else, or rather somewhere else.

It appeared that Reich may have walked a little bit too far from home, as he now found himself facing an empty green field. It was too empty, unnaturally empty.

People had to of changed the field, forcing it flat against nature's wishes.

Reich blinked at the large amount of land for a moment before looking up, a clear view of the sun was above him, reminding him of the time he had left, which was quite a bit actually.

Reich paused for a moment, as he looked back down at the field. In the distance he could see some trees, and even farther past that he could make out buildings. Very large and tall buildings most likely owned by wealthy nobles, as the center of the town that he lived in was now nearing.

Perhaps he should rest for a moment, just before he would make his journey back to his shack.

Reich hummed at the thought before sitting down beside a very large tree that granted him shade. He leaned against the tree, finding it almost more comfortable than his own home.

And Reich just sat there, for a while, a long while. Maybe too long as he had decided to close his eyes for just a second, and then suddenly the sun was almost down, and his time was almost up.

Reich shuffled for a moment, as something tried to wake him. How rude, his mind grumbled, he was just trying to relax a bit before he would have to return back home.

But eventually whatever was trying to wake him up suddenly began to do so quite viciously, and he was nearly knocked over. Nearly, as he managed to catch himself before he hit the dirt.

Reich huffed and opened his eyes, his arms held him up as he was now quite low to the ground.

Reich was ready to snap at whatever decided to wake him, but paused suddenly, as a giant horse was face to face with him.

Reich blinked rapidly at the large creature, unsure what to do. Eventually he glanced up, seeing someone on top of the steed.

The man on top of the horse had quite the mighty look on his face as he held his head high.

But once he noticed the German looking at him, he reached for his sword, and was quick to point it at the German.

"State your name, you fiend-" the man suddenly paused, quickly.

Reich and the stranger stared at each other, the two blinking at one another for a moment before the horse man suddenly lowered his sword and quickly put it away. He looked quite embarrassed for a moment as he sat there.

The man cleared his throat loudly, before looking back at the German. "Uh. Apologize.. I thought you were a thief or, uh, something.."

Reich looked at the man awkwardly, before sitting up a bit so he could stand up.

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