31: Bless Your Soul

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Reich peaked the door open slowly, glancing around as he decided whether or not it would be safe to leave.

Soviet never left for his trip and the palace has been an exhausting, anxiety filled place since then.

The tension in the air was thick, and it drove Reich absolutely insane. He hadn't seen his babies in so long. Sometimes one of them- maybe two- but he never had enough time to even speak to them.

Soviet had been forcing him to stay in their bedroom since he had mostly healed up from having little Kazakhstan. He had only heard the baby's cries a couple of times, but besides that Soviet hasn't allowed him to even hold the baby since he had left the medical ward.

Sometimes the kids were able to sneak their way into Reich's room, little Ukraine and Belarus were determined to see him, despite the guards that would almost always be sitting outside of the door.

Reich felt like he was a prisoner in his own home.

He barely ate when he was given food. Life just felt so dull now.

He couldn't look at Soviet when he entered their room, they didnt even sleep in the same bed anymore. Rarely did that ever happen.

The Russian had become this untrustworthy- cheating man- and Reich just couldn't believe that that was the same man he had married. How could that be? How?

He constantly heard rumors, usually from the maids that would come check up on him, having their duties to bring their queen company and anything that he would need. Reich honestly never enjoyed their company, they just talked about drama. Silly little rumors that were never about anything good.

He always hoped to hear something about Russia, but he never did. Though his other kids he definitely heard more about, he still found it hard to hear anything about them either.

Oh but that lady born from the devil- that's all he's been hearing about. Moscow this- Moscow that- Every single little thing had something to do with her. It made Reich's blood boil.

This nasty woman shows up, steals his husband, torments his children. Though granted now with how the Soviet had been acting, Reich kinda believed that he would have cheated on him either way- whether Moscow was there or not. Which was unfortunate to think about but there wasn't much to do about it anymore.

Reich could only pray that she was infertile, and that she would forever be seen as the whore of the kingdom.

That was a solid plan in Reich's mind. The Soviet would forever be devastated, and maybe he'll even start to hit her too.

Surely it wasn't his normal attitude to wish for the downfall of others, yet it was the only thing that seemed to make him feel any sort of emotion anymore. That was besides his lovely children of course.

Rubbing his head gently, Reich slowly closed the door to his bedroom. Not feeling brave enough yet to venture out there. Instead he moved to his bed, and waited for his dinner to arrive.

Honestly, he didn't like living like this, so cooped up and stuck. At this point his whole life had almost been like this. First with greedy Weimar, and now with stupid Soviet. What was it with men wanting to keep him hidden away and locked up?

Why did he keep falling into these relationships? Over and over it seemed to be- but now- the German sighed shakily and held himself for a moment.

He felt like he was going to die here.

That this would be the rest of his life. Stuck in this haunting, unhomely room, only able to hear the small words and whispers of his children as they walked passed his door. Unable to come in as he was held away.

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