8: A Bad Thing?

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Reich moped tiredly, he didn't feel like coming to see Soviet today. He didn't want to do anything today.

The German was walking his regular path through the forest like he always did. Though the life around him was flourishing, it looked more dim than ever before in his eyes.

Why did life curse him with such tragedy?

The German sighed as he continued to walk, slower than usual, and looking more gloomy than normal.

He didn't want to get married.

The Reich sighed, shaking his head momentarily.

He didn't want to think about that, that just made him sad. If he looked sad, Soviet would ask him about it, but he didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want to hear anything about it.

Weimar, his unfortunate, horrible brother, would not shut up. He had been talking since the sun had risen and hadn't shut his mouth since.

Reich had slowly begun to despise his older brother, he didn't want to, really. But the man wouldn't shut his damn trap about finding someone for him to marry. And it was driving Reich crazy.

He was overjoyed it seemed, to finally have a chance to change this life they had been living. It was painful to watch, for Reich at least. His mother made no comment on the eldest behavior, he didn't defend Reich, or comfort him in any way.

Instead, they both had to sit silently through the long morning, listening to Weimar run his mouth for hours on end, before he finally left for the day.

Reich was so damn close to snapping, if not at Weimar than unfortunately at his mother.

Tension was thick in the house, oh but Reich wasn't allowed to leave it.

The German grumbled, remembering his stupid brother's voice. A damn loser was what he was, an excuse of a provider and protector. That stupid German prick.

Reich's stomps were loud enough to alert Soviet, for such a tiny person he surely was making a lot of noise.

Enough noise to cause Soviet to stand up and walk over to the forest's entrance a bit.

He got to Reich's usual path, and was surprised to see the German kicking some poor plants that were around him.

Soviet was bamboozled by how angry the German looked, angry enough to break things. Well, better the plants than the Russian.

Soviet stood there silently, watching Reich hop around for a moment before he finally calmed down a bit.

The German huffed as he swiftly looked over to where Soviet was standing.

The Russian froze silently, the two made eye contact for a second as Reich's face was even more red with anger.

He still looked cute, even when he was angry. Soviet had to stop himself from smiling. He enjoyed seeing those pretty blue eyes, even if they weren't happy.

After a moment of silence, Reich huffed angrily and stomped over to Soviet. He kept his head low and walked right past the other, over to their little sitting spot.

Soviet stood there for a moment before looking back over at the German.

What's up with him?

Soviet turned around and watched as Reich now sat silently, looking away from him and towards the field.

The Russian waddled his large self over to his horse, and grabbed an apple from his bag before walking back over towards Reich.

Food usually made the German feel more at ease, at least that's what Soviet had observed.

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