9: Suspicious Glee

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The sun was nearly gone by the time Reich finally reached his house, though he wasn't alone this time.

"Come on Soviet!" The German chirped, looking behind himself. Soviet had asked the German to show him where he lived, so when the German did turn eighteen, Soviet could be the first one at his door.

The Russian huffed, a little ways away from the German, they had barely left the forest, and he couldn't believe that they still weren't there yet.

"You walk this everyday?" Soviet sighed as he paused for a moment.

"Twice a day, I have to walk there and back." Reich snickered as the Soviet ticked, he forgot he had to walk all the way back there again. This time in the dark.

"Now come on, we are almost there." The German waited for the Russian to catch up to him, before he continued walking.

Not a moment later they were there, at the German's little shack.

Soviet was confused for a second, as the two stared at the tiny thing. He hadn't been to this side of town very much, almost never really. But that did not seem like a house.

The Russian wasn't really sure what to say. Reich surely didn't look rich, but he just thought that the German acted that way to not get more attention.

"Uh.." Reich glanced over at the Russian, as Soviet looked away from him, and towards the shack. "Is that it?"

"Yeah.." Reich paused, as he stopped walking, Soviet stopped too, and the two just stared at each other for a moment.

"So uh. This is it then?" The German hummed, glancing back at his shack for a moment.

"Yeah." Soviet paused, glancing away from the Reich again. "Well, at least I know where you live now."

Reich hummed once more, nodding his head as he looked back over at the Russian.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?"

Reich sighed, shutting his eyes for a moment. "You aren't gaining anything from this..."

Soviet rolled his eyes, looking back over at the German. "I'm gaining you, and I am perfectly happy with just that."

Reich laughed sheepishly for a moment, not really knowing what to say. He glanced back at his little home, "I should be going now then." The German smiled for a moment, looking back at the Russian. "Goodnight Soviet."

The Russian smiled back at him, he took a step towards the German, and pulled him into a quick hug. He hummed as he held the other for a moment, "Goodnight to you as well."

Reich huffed and the two chatted for a little while longer before Reich officially left the other.

After making sure that the German got into the 'house' Soviet started on his way back to his own home, very happy about the day he had had.

Reich was a bit worried with how late he was today, he usually got home earlier than this, but thankfully Weimar wasn't back yet, and his mother was still fast asleep.

Surely his luck with this would run out soon, but for now he was just going to enjoy it while he could.

Morning hit quicker than Austria-Hungary had expected. He was ready for another boring day for himself, while his two sons would do whatever they did throughout the day.

But something was off about today, since the moment AH woke up, he could tell something just wasn't right.

At first he had looked towards his elder son, but Weimar seemed as rude and prickly as ever.

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