15: A Terrible Comparison

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Warning: Shield your eyes. Children look away. Thanks

Soviet hummed softly, tapping his fingers onto the wooden table below him.

He was bored out of his mind at the moment.

He was so busy that he couldn't even think, and after hours of work he was just stuck here, unsure how to continue.

He should probably get the hell out of here, the Russian grumbled, staring down at the multiple papers below him. If only this leader he was meeting with wasn't so useless.

Well, at least that would make this conquest easier. The Russian smiled softly to himself, thinking of his plan.

He hadn't come here for no reason, he was going to rule this whole country someday, and no one was going to stop him. This first meeting was just for the Russian to get his foot in the door. He had already made plans to leave most of his guards here, and they weren't ever going to leave.

Soviet stood up eventually, getting too lost in his thoughts about his future plans. But how could he not think about it? His country was going to grow greatly from this, and he was only going to get richer.

The Russian made his way out of his cabin, finding himself on his boat still.

The king of this land had offered him a room in his own palace, Soviet had accepted the offer, with his own guards going with him of course. But for now, he preferred doing his personal work in a place where he couldn't be spied on.

He didn't want the other finding out about his true intentions, and this was the best way to make sure that didn't happen.

The Russian sighed timidly, feeling quite tired, perhaps he should get to bed soon.

Soviet leaned back for a moment, resting against a wooden wall. It was pitch black out. Barely you could see the stars, they were a surprisingly small amount out tonight.

Not even half as many as the Russian would see back at home.

Soviet grumbled at his thoughts, shaking his head briefly as he tried to clear his mind. He couldn't be thinking about that right now, work was more important than any of that right now.

The Russian stood up briefly, moving away from his cabin, and out onto the ship's dock.

It was an empty night, that was certain.

The Russian sighed tiredly as he continued walking around the place, finding one of his workers strangely nearby.

"My liege." The woman dipped her head in respect, but Soviet didn't seem very amused by it.

"Cut the formalities and tell me where everyone went." The Russian ticked, rolling his eyes at the other's unnecessary formal greeting.

"Apologies sir." The lady stood tall, puffing out her chest as she held her head high for a moment, "Everyone's gone to drink the night away, well-" the woman paused, "besides any guard on duty at the moment."

She hummed, eyeing the Russian intently, a teasing look on her face, "There's nothing to worry about, anyone who shouldn't be here isn't here." The lady smirked playfully at the Russian, "There's no one that could find out your secrets here."

Soviet blinked at her, feeling a bit awkward and uninterested in her behavior. She knew fully well he was married, who didn't.

Unfortunately for him though, he was practically stuck with her.

Moscow, a woman who was practically raised by the royal family, and is still considered important to it. Soviet wasn't sure when she even showed up, but she's been around for as long as he could remember.

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