21: Reasonable Suspicion

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Reich was awakened by some loud knocking.

He sat up tiredly, feeling like he hadn't got any sleep. He looked around his room confused for a moment, until he heard the knocking on the door again.

Not a moment later the door suddenly opened and some maids came hurrying in, Reich was honestly not suspecting any of it. He usually didn't have anyone show up in the morning, but it seemed like Soviet had other plans.

Speaking of the Russian. He was in their shared bathroom, getting ready for the day.

The maids immediately began helping their king, while Reich just sat in bed awkwardly, unsure what to do.

Eventually he was offered some tea, which he did want to accept, he just didn't want to have it in here. It was uncomfortably crowded now, at least to Reich it was.

The German went on to do his own morning things, and left the room as soon as he could.

He didn't like that very much. Reich sighed to himself as he stumbled off to his study. He rarely asked for someone to help him in the mornings. And Soviet used to not need anyone either. He really has changed.

Reich grumbled to himself as he continued down the hall. Hunger was pinching at him now, but he just ignored it, and continued to make his way to his study. Perhaps he had some mail to read. Maybe they could ease his mind.

The German would end up spending the majority of his morning in his study.

He was surprised that Soviet hadn't sent someone to fetch him for breakfast. Perhaps his children had informed the Russian about his typical morning routine.

Though now, this routine didn't look like it wouldn't be happening anymore.

Reich didn't have much to do strangely. He wasn't used to that. There wasn't nearly enough work for him to skip breakfast over.

But the German was too stubborn to leave.

Instead he spent his morning checking up on things. He needed to take note of how much work Soviet's little servants would be taking away from him. Which was a lot. A whole lot. There was barely anything left.

The German frankly didn't know what to do. What should he do with this new free time?

Russia and Ukraine will be in school. Perhaps he could stay with Belarus, maybe he could do that.

Reich grumbled to himself as he laid his head onto his desk. The only work he had left to do was to keep his children in order, and to make himself look presentable for Soviet's family.

They would unfortunately be staying for a while. A long long while.

Reich never got along with them. Soviet even knew that.

In the past, Soviet used to watch the German to make sure that his family wasn't bothering him too much. But the Russian wouldn't be with him anymore. Soviet wouldn't be there to protect him from his father.

Reich practically shivered at the though. Soviet's father was a man that could never be pleased. He never ever had anything nice to say to the German.

He wasn't pleased with his son's pick and it was incredibly obvious.

Reich shook his head to stop his Russian inflicted thoughts, and glanced around his study a bit. Unsure what to do. Eventually the German got out some paper and a quill. And spent the rest of his time trying to figure out how the hell you would spell Kazakhstan.

Hours later Reich could faintly hear some soft knocking on his door, and before the German could even respond the door was suddenly opened.

There was Ukraine there, and then Russia who practically pushed his brother out of the way as soon as he saw his mother.

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