16: Running Backwards

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Denmark blinked softly, looking around his crowded store tiredly for a moment.

He hadn't seen that little German in a while. But that was occasionally normal,

Sometimes he'd show up everyday, and sometimes it could take him over a week to show up.

The German was strange to say the least. But perhaps that's what kept Denmark interested in him. It wasn't everyday you found a German roaming around here, especially one that didn't seem to know much about the real world. And the story also didn't make much sense.

He had a father, who he doesn't speak much of, because he's not supposed to be out here. But why shouldn't he be out here?

Perhaps he's got some secret disease or something. Denmark wasn't exactly sure, as Germany didn't seem like the type to be sold off into a marriage. Though he wouldn't ever say that out loud, as Germany wasn't ugly. He was just average looking.

With all these factors in mind Denmark still couldn't figure out what was wrong with the German boy and why he was locked away all his life. Unless his father had a bad reputation or something. That could be it, but then it would be none of the dane's business. Which it already wasn't.

Denmark eventually set the glass in his hand down, as he noticed some movement around his busy saloon.

How many people he could get on a Monday wasn't very much, but it was still enough for him to be open.

"Afternoon brute."

Denmark glanced to his side for a moment, finding Norway there, holding some big tub of some alcoholic liquid.

"Who are you looking for? Most of your locals are here." The country glared at him, he looked quite tired, but kept his spirit high anyways.

He hummed softly after not receiving a response from the Dane. "Oh." He paused, moving some of the items on the counter around. "You're looking for that little German, aren't you?"

Denmark rolled his eyes sharply, "Quiet you. He hasn't been here in a while." The man shrugged, unsure what to do.

"Yeah." Norway nodded back to him, also looking a bit unsure. "He sure is strange."

"He is." Denmark sighed, moving away from the other for a moment. "I'll go check what we got out back. You hold down the fort."

"K." Norway waved goodbye to him, and yawned slightly before heading back to work.

Not a moment later a little German came running into the place. Norway looked extremely confused for a moment as the other always took the back entrance.

"Evening, how'd you get in through those doors?" Norway questioned the other, as typically you had to pay some stupid fee to enter. It was just some stupid law that was enforced.

Germany hummed as he found his usual stool to sit on. "There wasn't anyone there." He shrugged, looking around the place for a moment. "I think they ran off. Maybe they found something more important to do."

Norway hummed and tried to hide his smile for a moment. The way Germany described guards that could kill him was very interesting. That German was lucky he hadn't been asked for any of that paper work crap yet.

"Well, maybe they did." Norway grabbed a glass for the other, though he knew he couldn't pay. Denmark also refused to give anything to the German, as he was far too young for that, as he had said.

"So, what took you so long to get here?"

Germany looked up from his bag, as he had been digging through it. "Oh, nothing much. My vater just needed my help for a moment."

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