12: A Dying Flame

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Reich blinked silently, staring down at little Belarus as she slept quietly.

Perhaps he was overreacting a bit.

The German grumbled and continued to watch his child. Maybe he was, but he really didn't think he was doing anything wrong.

He just missed Soviet, he really did. It wasn't wrong to miss the man he loved, right?

The German sighed, and went to sit down next to the sleeping baby's crib, waiting for Soviet to rescue him again.

It took the Russian a surprisingly long time to show up. Yet still, Reich looked up from his seat as soon as he heard a knock on the door.

Soviet opened it of course, looking into the room quietly, as he didn't want to disturb Belarus.

Reich stood up, and becombed him into the room, careful with his steps as he walked.

The German was suddenly surprised for a moment, as the Soviet reached for him, and pulled him into a warm hug.

Reich stood still for a second, before eventually hugging the Russian back. But Reich only continued to become more surprised and confused, as Soviet planted a little kiss on his head.

The Russian pulled away from the hug a bit, smiling down at the little German before bringing him back into the hug.

Reich was pleasantly surprised by the action, he wasn't expecting Soviet to just hold him like this. It was nice really, but Reich wasn't sure if he should be liking it at the moment.

He was still a bit upset about the morning's earlier events.

Eventually the two parted from each other, as Belarus had started to cry a bit.

Soviet walked over there slowly, so as to not disrupt the child anymore. Eventually Reich joined him, and the two parents stood silently, looking at their child.

"She looks like you, no?" Soviet cocked his eyebrow, as he glanced over to the Reich.

"Well it's quite hard to tell at the moment Soviet." Reich shrugged, glancing from Soviet to the little baby. "She's too young to tell." The German paused, thinking for a moment.

"Maybe, she'll look more like you." Reich sighed softly, glancing over at the Russian, "She has your eyes after all."

Reich shut his mouth almost immediately, fear had struck him, as he could now see that Belarus was awake.

She didn't seem too disturbed though, not as she stared at them confusingly.

Reich watched quietly as Soviet reached towards the child, gently picking her up.

The Russian hummed, holding the little baby in his arms. "I still think she'll look like you."

Reich rolled his eyes at that, moving closer to the Russian so he could see Belarus better.

"Maybe." The German watched her, staring at her golden eyes carefully.

"Our little princess." The Russian smiled softly, never taking his eyes off of her.

"Yeah." Reich cringed slightly, he never really liked those sorts of titles.

"I'm glad we finally have a girl."

Reich nodded, listening as Soviet ranted for a moment. Oh how strong Belarus would be- soo much stronger than her brothers-

The German just listened, unable to find himself in the conversation.

Instead, he kept finding himself staring at the Russian's head of all places. Specifically the top of his head.

His ushanka gone, as he had stopped wearing it years ago. He only ever wore it when he was home for long periods of time, and since he had just arrived back he wasn't wearing it. Surely he may not even know where it was.

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