22: Strange Behaviors

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"Give me just a moment vater-" Germany flinched as he heard some loud ruckus come from the living room.

The young German sighed and continued packing his bag. He was trying to do something. Key word trying.

"Nein! Nein! Nein! You can not go outside Deutschland!" Germany glanced at the front door, now seeing his out of breath father, who looked quite frantic, standing there.


"-Nein Deutschland!"

The two Germans stared at each other for a moment, both wondering what the other would do.

"We're running out of food-"

"-nein! We have a garden!"

"What about the candles?-"

"-We can make more!" Reich crossed his arms.

"That will take weeks, if not more than a month. Vater we don't have time for that."

The older German was silent for a moment, as he stared wide eyed at Germany.


The German shook his head. "You are not going out." Reich huffed, not wanting to repeat himself.

Germany blinked at the man in front of him, his father didn't usually get so uptight with him. But this was always such a difficult topic to discuss.

"But we need-"

"-Nein sohn." Reich sighed and stared at the ground for a moment.

Germany wasn't entirely wrong. They were running out of things- mostly because Reich kept worrying and over using them.

Though the German didn't want to make his son live in poor conditions, his fear of what would be waiting for him outside was overtaking him.

What if he never comes back?

Reich shut his eyes and shook his head slightly.

If he steps one foot into that village he may never come out of it.

Reich opened his eyes again, seeing Germany at the dinner table. Looking quite disappointed really.

The boy needed to go out- but- Reich couldn't imagine what would happen if he did. The world was a horrible and ugly place and it only looked worse the more you stared at it.

Eventually Reich made eye contact with Germany, and he just couldn't help but give in to those sad blue eyes of his. The look was honestly reminding him of his younger self.

Though it was hard for Reich to say, he eventually did open his mouth to speak. "Okay. Maybe I'll..." Reich shivered. "Go outside, but only for a little bit!"

Germany's smiling face made Reich's attitude brighten just a bit. "Are you sure vater? I know you're not well right now-"

"-Yes I am sure. You are right, we do need uh. Some more things. Especially a bigger variety of food.."

Germany giggled lightly at the comment and nodded. "Okay vater. Thank you, really."

"It's Danke." Reich shrugged as his son's glowing spirit could only light his for so long. Reich's dark thoughts clouded his mind quickly as fear continued to rage through his body once again.

"Just give me a moment."

Germany looked quite confused as he watched his father suddenly leave the room, with his head down and his feet dragging a bit.

"I just need some time to think.."

"Okay vater." Germany mumbled as he looked down at his bag. Finally something good was happening.

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