29: Heavy Red

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The following days weren't pleasant at all.

Ukraine patted his feet against the floor, staring at his homework but he couldn't focus on whatever language was in front of him.

All he could hear was yelling.

His parents were fighting so much, to the point where sometimes that was all he could hear.

Russia was no were to be found. His father hadn't said a word about where he was, yet his mother brought it up in every single argument.

It had been maybe a week or two since his brother's disappearance. Yet no one but him, his mother, and his sister seemed to notice that he was gone.

About two days ago he heard that his mama had Kazakhstan, but he didn't think that was supposed to happen yet.

Wasn't he supposed to be here next month?

Ukraine didn't really understand, but things had been quiet since then and he hadn't been allowed to see his mother or Kazakhstan yet for whatever reason.

Hopefully he'll be allowed to visit his mama tonight with Belarus.

Little Ukraine went on walking down the hall, peeking down one way, he suddenly froze as he saw his папа talking to his grandfather.

He probably shouldn't go over there.

The boy turned right around and decided to go the other way. He could only imagine the two were talking about his mama, and he could only hope he was doing well.

But his mother wasn't doing very well, not well at all.

He was never doing that again. Never ever again. His body wouldn't even be able to take it.

The German was stuck in bed, unable to walk out of weakness and pain.

Kazakhstan was early, more than a month and half early.

Reich had barely seen him. He barely got to even hold him before the baby was taken away from him.

But honestly, he wasn't sure if he could complain too much about it, not when things had gone oh so wrong. He said no more after Belarus and now here he was, suffering because someone wouldn't listen to him.

Soviet had actually been there, which he usually wasn't, but he wasn't helping. In fact he just made Reich feel even more stressed.

Which is probably why the baby was born premature.

Because of Soviet. Of course, it was Soviet's fault.

Unfortunately and fortunately Kazakhstan was a special little baby too, somehow he had these beautiful big wings on his back. Which the Reich had absolutely no idea how those got there.

He wasn't even aware that that was possible. But the reality of them sunk in quicker than he could have imagined.

It wasn't beautiful and wonderful when one gets stuck inside of him and his stomach has to be cut open to get him out.

The poor things wings seemed to be fine, and actually made up about half of his body since he was so small, being born way too early- but reich wasn't fine. He wasn't fine at all.

He was still bleeding and it hadn't stopped.

He had no idea where Kazakhstan was, and could only hope the baby was off with some midwife, getting all the help and love that he needed.

While Reich was just stuck here, feeling hopeless as he just laid all day.

Soviet had only been here twice since Kazakhstan's birth, but besides that everything has been very quiet.

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