Chapter 2: Whitmore House

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No One's POV

A year had passed since Emma had discovered her powers. Her parents were about to go to some event at the Whitmore House. Emma asked if she could come along. She didn't want to be cooped up in her house all night. Her parents gave each other apprehensive looks before reluctantly agreeing. They told her to hurry up and get into some nice clothes so that they could go.

After a fifteen minute drive, they made it to the Whitmore house. The moment Emma stepped inside, she felt strange. She felt as if something dark was looming over the house. She didn't like it. Not one bit.

Emma decided against voicing her concerns. It's probably nothing. Just some nerves about being in an unfamiliar environment is all, right? She thought as she followed her parents around the main part of the house; quickly finding that she was the youngest person there.

A couple hours had passed and Emma found herself needing to find a bathroom. She tapped her mom's arm to get her attention. Her mom turned towards her with a questioning gaze. She leaned towards her mom's ear to whisper to her. "Do you know where the bathroom is in this place?"

Her mom nodded and motioned for the hallway on their right. "Go down that hallway. Turn left at the end of it and it should be the first door on the right."

She mumbled her thanks and weaved my way through a bunch of people to get to the hallway. Thankfully, her mom's instructions led her straight to where she needed to go.

Emma finished her business and intended to return to the event. As she exited the bathroom, she felt something pulling her towards the door at the end of the hallway. She tried to ignore the feeling, but as she took a few steps away from the bathroom, the pull towards the door got stronger. Something was telling her that something, or someone, needed her. And that something, or someone, was behind that door.

Not being able to resist the pull, she slowly made her way to the door. She planned on just taking a small peek to see what was in there. She opened the door and found a set of old stairs leading down. Sighing, she made her way down the stairs, being sure to close the door behind her. She didn't need anybody knowing that she was snooping around.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around. It seemed like she was in some sort of small lab. She saw what looked like old blood stains on a metal table. What the hell?! She thought as she made her way to the next room.

All that was in the next room was a desk, a chair, and a set of keys hanging on the wall. There were journals, some old and new, sitting on top of the desk along with a few loose papers strewn about.

What she saw in the next room was a sight she almost wished she could forget. It was a large room full of cells. One of the cells held a person whose clothes were covered in blood. Emma gasped at the sight.

The man in the cell looked up as her mind raced. What the fuck did I just walk into?!

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