Chapter 24: The Rescue

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Emma's POV

Elijah looked at Rose questioningly. "Who else is in this house?" Elijah asked. When Rose stated that she didn't know, he grabbed both Elena and I and pushed us towards the stairs. "Move." For some reason, I felt a tingle race through me when he grabbed me.

The four of us made it to the entrance of the house. Two vampires were running around, attempting to confuse the other two vampires with us. Elena and I knew that Stefan and Damon were here to rescue us, or at least try to. Elijah pushed us towards Rose so his hands were free to use if need be. "Rose?" Elijah questioned.

"I don't know who it is." Rose replied to the silent question.

"Up here..." a voice, Stefan's, called from up the stairs. Elijah rushed up there to try to catch him.

"Down here..." a different voice, Damon's, could be heard from the bottom of the stairs, right behind Elena, Rose, and I. Suddenly, a stake flew right into Elijah's hand. With an annoyed expression, Elijah pulled the stake out of his hand. The wound it left quickly healed up. When Elijah tossed the stake aside, Elena and I were quickly pulled and rushed away from Rose.

Damon held me against the wall out of sight of Elijah and Rose with a finger over his mouth, silently telling me to be quiet. I quickly nodded and tried to quiet my panicked breaths. I assumed Elena was with Stefan also out of sight from the other two vampires in the room.

"Excuse me, to whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. I want the girls on the count of three, or heads will roll." Elijah said. I could hear the sound of wood snapping as he spoke. "Do we understand each other?"

Elena's voice sounded from the top of the stairs. "I'll come with you. Just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out."

I could hear the wind of Elijah rushing up the stairs. Elena let out a loud gasp. "What game are you playing with me? And what about your friend, Emma? I'm not leaving here without her." Elijah informed. Why does he want me? As far as he knows, there's nothing special about me.

Seconds later, a loud explosion sounded from the stairs followed by a loud, pained yell from Elijah. Soon, the yelling turned into growling. I could only imagine how scary and angry he looked.

I heard his slow footsteps marching up the stairs. Soon, I heard shots being fired. I guessed Sefan is using some sort of stake launcher to shoot stakes at Elijah. But a handheld launcher can only hold so many stakes, and he was shooting one after another, wasting what little amount of stakes he had.

Soon, the shots stopped. I then heard two bodies tumbling down the stairs. Before I could blink, Damon was no longer in front of me and pushing what looked to be part of a coat hanger into Elijah's chest.

Damon pinned Elijah to the wall with the quickly made stake. I felt a twinge in my chest as I watched Elijah's skin turn gray and veiny. Rose looked at the dead Elijah with wide eyes before rushing off. Damon was about to follow her when Elena spoke out. "Just let her go."

Elena quickly made her way down the stairs. Stefan came up to her and hugged her. "Hey, come here. You hurt? You okay?" Damon looked a little hurt when Elena chose to hug Stefan instead of him.

"Hey, thanks for saving us." I told Damon as Stefan and Elena reunited.

"You're welcome." Damon responded. "Now, why didn't you use your powers to help Elena and yourself escape sooner?"

"Because, none of my powers are really stealthy, and if we did manage to get away, Rose would have informed Elijah of my powers. Then he would've come after me to either kill me or force me to use my powers for his gain. So, I waited for you and Stefan to arrive to save us. If you guys started to lose against Elijah, I would've stepped in." I explained to Damon. He accepted my answer.

Hours later, we made it back to Mystic Falls. Elena and I walked into the house. "Elena?" I heard Jeremy call from upstairs.

Elena and I climbed up the stairs to be met with Jeremy and Bonnie. Bonnie ran over to hug Elena. "You okay?" Jeremy asked.

"We're okay, now that we're home." I responded. Bonnie soon released Elena and came over to hug me. When I was released from the short hug, I spoke up again. "We got your message." I told Bonnie.

I looked over to Jeremy to see him lurch forwards to embrace his sister. Bonnie and I smiled at the heartwarming scene. Afterwards, we all had had dinner before deciding that enough had happened that day and called it a night.

When I was about to settle onto the couch for the night, my phone started to ring. I answered. It was Stefan. "Hey, Rose stopped by the boarding house tonight."

"Wait, Rose is there?" I asked. I thought she would run off and we'd never see her again. Why did she follow us back to Mystic Falls?

"Yes. She said that the whole situation you guys were in isn't over. She said that the Originals would come for Elena, and maybe you, since Elijah was determined to take you, too." Stefan replied.

"So, you're saying that all of this isn't over, and that it's only just beginning. God, what did I get myself into?

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