Chapter 7: Bumping Into Bonnie

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Emma's POV

A couple days had passed. I had been actively avoiding both Salvatore brothers. I didn't have concrete evidence that they were vampires, but judging on how Elena was acting, and my gut feeling, I was pretty much convinced. They may not be bad vampires. They could be like Enzo, but I really don't want to be pulled into any supernatural drama. Getting sucked into that could put those I care about in danger. I couldn't have that.

I walked into my first period classroom and found my desk. I set my stuff down on my desk and made my way back out of the room. I still had ten minutes before class started. More than enough time to use the restroom. I finished my business and quickly made my way out of the restroom. In my haste, I accidentally ran into someone, knocking both of us down. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked frantically, offering her my hand after I quickly picked myself back up.

The girl had darker skin and long black hair. I recognized her. She was in Elena's class. I think her name was Bonnie. "No worries. I'm fine." Bonnie said as she reached for my hand.

As our hands met, she let out a slight gasp and gave me a weird look. She shook her hand and let me help her up. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. Her gasp made me think that she did indeed hurt something during the fall.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Hey, your name is Emma, right?" she asked as she got herself balanced on her feet.

"Yeah, why?" I questioned. I was surprised that she knew my name. We had never really had a full conversation before. Not that I never wanted to; I had a feeling that she was a really good person. In fact, I could feel that we were somewhat similar. In what ways, I had no clue. I just never got the chance to talk to her since we weren't in the same class.

"Oh, um, nothing." she responded awkwardly before walking away.

Huh, strange. I thought as I made my way back to class. My classes went by without a hitch. When I got home, I tossed my backpack into my room and immediately made my way back outside. I made my way to a spot in the forest a little ways away from the trails. It was similar to my little sanctuary I had back in McKinley. It was a small clearing with a small stream flowing through it.

This was where I went to practice with my powers. In the last couple years, I had gotten really good at controlling my powers. I could now confidently manipulate large sums of water, move huge chunks of earth, start, move, and extinguish big fires, and even create whirlwinds that could shake the big branches on the top of the trees. And just like any other day, I was in the clearing, practicing with my powers. The only difference about today was that there was someone watching me, and I had no idea.

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