Chapter 42: Elixir

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Emma's POV

"What?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Emma, the Originals have a lot of enemies. If it gets out that you are the soulmate of one, you could be in a lot of danger. The further you are from them, the safer you are. So go home, pack a couple of bags, I'll-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Wait, hey, no! I'm not leaving my friends! Enzo, I know you care for me, but I can't just suddenly leave! I'm not doing that to them!" I said. I took a deep breath. "Look, I know you're just trying to keep me safe, but I can protect myself. I have my powers. I can knock back anyone who comes at me. Besides, Elijah will no doubt come and find me once he realizes I'm missing. We can't hide from him forever. When he finds us, he will probably kill you for trying to take me. I appreciate you being concerned for my safety, but we have to take into account your safety, too." I told him.

The bartender came over with our drinks. Once she left to take care of other patrons, Enzo sighed and spoke up. "I understand. I'm just worried about you. In the few months, you've lost your parents, you've been kidnapped twice, and you've been fatally wounded. You've been in multiple situations where you could have died. If you were out of town, you would have avoided all of that."

"I know. But I'm needed here." I said.

"I know." Enzo said. "Hey, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know, okay?"

"Sure thing!" I responded.

My fries came out. Enzo and I talked a bit while I ate.

Once the fries were done and we couldn't find anything else to talk about, I opened up my purse to grab some cash for my food. Before I could pull anything out, Enzo had put out ten bucks for my fries and drink. "You didn't have to do that." I told him.

"Well, I wanted to. So...suck it up." he responded.

I sent him a small smile. "Thanks." I mumbled.

Once everything was all paid for, we headed out. He offered to give me a ride home, but I wanted to work on a few things with my powers out at the clearing. It was only a twenty five minute walk, and it was nice out. I sent him a short wave as I turned around. "Bye Enzo." I said.

"Bye." he said back. "Oh!" he said, which caused me to stop in my tracks and turn back towards him. "Happy Birthday Emma."

I beamed at him. "Thank you, Enzo." I said. And with that, he hopped into his car and drove off.

I made the walk out to the clearing. I spent a lot of the time working on moving around the fog I made with air and water. It was one thing I kept struggling on and I really wanted to get better at it. I didn't know if I would ever use it for anything, but the more control I had over my powers, the better.

By the end of the power session, I was a little more confident in my air and water abilities. There were still things that I could work on, but I knew that I couldn't be missing from the boarding house for too long.

On my way back to the grill, I called Elena to come pick me up. When I finished my walk back to the grill, I saw Elena's car pulling up. I hopped in and we were off.

"It didn't look like you were coming from the grill." Elena commented.

"I took a walk to the clearing that I like to go to in the forest. It's where I practice with my powers." I told her.

"Oh..." Elena started. "If I make it through the sacrifice, you've got to let me tag along one of these times. I've never really seen you use them before."

"Alright, sure, why not?" I replied.

We made it back to the boarding house. The rest of the day went by as normal. I knew that the next day was going to be hectic with the sacrifice taking place. I knew that Elijah would be coming over. I was almost excited to see him again, and I finally knew why.

Eventually, the next day did come around. I woke up feeling nervous, just like everyone else in the house. After I got ready for the day, I went downstairs. I got started on making breakfast. Eggs were sizzling in the pan when Elena and Jenna walked into the kitchen. "What's on the menu?" Jenna asked.

"Eggs and bacon. Want some?" I asked as I flipped the eggs.

"Yes please." Jenna and Elena said in unison.

"Coming right up." I responded.

While I was washing the dishes, a knock sounded at the front door of the boarding house. Elena got up to answer. Soon, Elijah's smooth voice flowed through the house. I couldn't help the small smile from forming on my face. When I finished the dishes, I joined the others in the living room. "Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah said.

"Elena said that the sun and moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." Stefan asked.

"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it, he'll be a true hybrid." Elijah informed.

Damon joined us in the room and spoke up. "Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today. With Bonnie."

'Damon..." Stefan tried to reason.

"No. Bonnie can't use that much power without dying." Elena said.

"I'll write her a great eulogy." Damon responded.

"Absolutely not, Damon." I told him,

"Alright, how do we break this curse?" Stefan asked.

Elijah explained how the curse would be broken. During the explanation, he grabbed a wooden box. "This is an elixir that I acquired some five hundred years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation." Elijah told us.

"So I'll be dead..." Elena started

"...And then you won't." Elijah finished.

"So that's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date?" Damon asked, not liking the plan. He looked at Elena. "You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?"

"She's a doppelgänger, odds are, the ring won't work on her." I said.

"I'll take those odds over the elixir. What if it doesn't work, Elena?" Damon asked.

"Then I guess I'll just be dead." Elena responded. Damon angrily left the room. "Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?"

"Klaus had been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will." Elijah said.

Well, this is going to be an interesting night.

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