Chapter 17: Fear

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Emma's POV

While in the woods, I ran into the last person I wanted to see. "Katherine, what are you doing here?" I asked uneasily.

"You never did answer my question from the other day. Who are you?" she asked and she approached me menacingly.

"I already told you. My name is Emma, a friend to Elena and Bonnie." I said, trying to hide my fear.

"And I thought I told you to give me a little more than that." she replied. Katherine started to circle me as if I was her prey. "You were able to tell me apart from Elena almost instantaneously. You didn't even have to touch me to figure it out. I would like to find out why. Care to clear that up for me?"

"Nah, rather not. Goodbye now!" I said. I tried to make a quick escape. Before I could make it two steps, she gripped my arm. I should have known that it wouldn't work, but I had to give it a try.

"I don't like being told no. You should know that I could easily take out one of you little friends, and I'm not known for being patient or merciful. If you don't tell me what I want to know, you might just find someone you care about getting hurt, and it would be entirely your fault. So, for the last time, I ask, how could you tell me apart from Elena so quickly?"

"Just a feeling I guess. Plus, Elena doesn't like wearing her hair curled." I replied. I hoped that was enough of an answer.

"You see, I feel that you're not telling me the entire truth." Katherine said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about." I said in a calm voice. I hoped she couldn't feel how rapidly my heart was beating.

"Oh, you will be sorry." she hissed out. "I know you're lying. Don't say I didn't warn you." I heard her whisper before she was gone. I sighed in relief. Damn, that was scary! I continued my walk around on the trails. I was processing what had just happened and trying to calm myself down. Bonnie will be fine. She can protect herself, and Elena has Stefan. Stefan will keep her safe. Even Damon is willing to protect her. They will be fine.

I walked around for a while longer before checking the time. The short walk I had planned had turned into a long one. I'd been out here for nearly three hours. I should probably head back for the day. I made it back home and walked in the door. Without looking up I called out to my parents. "Faith, Gideon, I'm home!"

I got no response. I was puzzled. I remembered them saying that they'd be home today. I looked at the counter. Looks like they left me a note. I picked up the note and my blood ran cold.

I don't like being lied to. I did tell you that someone would end up getting hurt. I did warn you. Also, I've been invited in. Hope you don't mind.


I looked up and saw a sight that made fear shoot through me. I could see a part of the wall in the living room. There was a splatter of something dark red. No...

I sprinted into the living room and nearly collapsed. "No, no! Faith! Gideon!" I yelled out, tears forming in my eyes. They were lying on the ground; their upper bodies covered in blood.

I ran over to Faith, my mom. "No! Faith, please, wake up!" I cried out as I tried to shake her awake, as if she was just asleep. Her skin wasn't as warm as it should've been. I turned to Gideon, my father, who was lying right next to her. "Gideon!" I tried to shake him awake, too. He, too, wasn't as warm as he should be.

"No, please!" I yelled out, clutching my head. "This has to be a nightmare. I'm sleeping, I'll wake up any second..." I tried to convince myself. I couldn't handle what was right before my eyes.

I pulled at my hair, crying out. "No, no! This can't be happening! Faith, Gideon! Faith, please wake up! Please! I can't lose you! I can't lose either of you! Please!" I yelled, tears pouring from my eyes.

"MOM!!!" I screamed.

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