Chapter 12: Stefan

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Emma's POV

A couple days passed by and Founder's Day was quickly approaching. I don't know how she did it, but as soon as Caroline found out about Bonnie and I being friends, she got me roped into helping her with the Miss Mystic float for the parade. Caroline and I had barely even talked before, and after one single conversation with her, she had me helping her with something that I couldn't care less about.

I walked to where the floats were being built. Bonnie and Caroline were already working on it. Bonnie helped to get a basic visual of what the float was going to look like. I helped out with some of the minor decorations of the float.

While I was taking a short break, I spotted Elena. She was talking to a woman with dark brown, almost black hair pulled up into a ponytail. I had no idea who she was, and Elena did not look comfortable talking with her. I watched the woman point over to a float that Matt was working on. I heard Elena shout before I saw a man jump onto the trailer, causing part of it to collapse, right onto Matt's arm.

I immediately ran over to try to help lift the trailer off. I saw a gap right by Tyler for me to jump into, but before I could, Stefan jumped in. Immediately, the trailer was lifted off of Matt's arm. That pretty much proved it to me that Stefan was a vampire. The trailer wouldn't move an inch before he jumped in.

Caroline quickly ran to Matt's side. She could handle Matt, I just wanted to quickly get back to work on the float and pretend that I didn't see what I just saw.

When we finally got the float done, I made my way to leave. I decided that instead of going home, I decided to practice with my powers to work all of this nervous energy out of me.

After an hour and a half of messing around with my powers, I heard a stick snap behind me as I was creating a small whirlpool in the stream running through the clearing. I quickly turned around, hoping to just see an animal.

Some sort of higher being must hate me, because standing right behind me was none other than Stefan Salvatore. What the hell is he doing here?! At this point, I just wanted the ground to swallow me whole. Actually... I made a hole in the ground just big enough for me and jumped in. Before I could move any sort of earth over the top of the hole, Stefan sped over and pulled me out of the hole. After thwarting my escape plan and keeping a tight grip on my arm, he started questioning me. "Who are you, and, more importantly, what are you?"

I was looking for a way out. I could easily set him ablaze, but that would be wrong. Should I just set his hand on fire? No, I don't have enough control with that power to not burn myself in the process. Should I try to throw a small chunk of rock towards his head and hope I don't get hit in the process?

He interrupted my planning by grabbing my chin and forcing me to look him in the eye. "Who are you?" he asked once again.

"Asking the same question twice isn't going to make me want to answer it. Besides, why should I tell you? I have no intentions of hurting Elena or Bonnie if that's what you're worried about." I responded snarkily.

"I had to at least try it..." he mumbled.

"Please, just forget you saw me here. I don't want to get mixed up in any vampire drama." I said, pulling loose from his grip. "Nor do I feel like getting drained today, so, if you'll excuse me..."

"Wait, I'm not gonna hurt you. Could you at least tell me who you are?"

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