Chapter 29: Girls' Night

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Emma's POV

Scratch that, yesterday wasn't as quiet as I thought. I got a call in the morning from Damon. The leftover member of Jules' werewolf pack attacked Damon last night. Chained him to a chair and everything. Elijah saved his ass, again. I hope he took great pleasure in killing those werewolves.

Not only that, but Dr.Martin found out what Bonnie and Jeremy did to Luka. Right after he found out, he found Bonnie and took away her powers. I felt bad for Bonnie. I knew that she loved using her powers. It's a part of her, and it made her feel closer to her grams.

The day went by rather quickly. Nothing major was happening, or at least nothing major as far as I knew. I thought I was going to have a somewhat normal day. A day just lounging around at home without a single fear. And I did just that. That is until I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was similar to the pain I felt when I watched Elijah get staked. They better not be trying something stupid.

When I felt the pain in my chest for a second time that night, I decided to call Elena. The phone rang for a rather long time before I got an answer. "Hello?" I heard Elena answer.

"Elena, hey, did anything happen tonight? I got this weird feeling and I just want to make sure that everything is alright." I explained.

"Oh, um, yeah, Elijah was killed tonight. Quick tip, don't remove the dagger." Elena replied.

"Dagger?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, to kill Elijah, we had to use a special dagger along with some white oak ash. Sorry for keeping you out of the loop. I didn't even know that there was an attempt to kill Elijah until about half an hour ago." Elena said, clearing a few things up.

"Got it, but, is it really a good idea to kill Elijah? I mean, he's saved some of us multiple times. If something else were to happen, his witches wouldn't be inclined to help us." I said.

"Emma, if we went with Elijah's plan to kill Klaus, I would have died. Do you really want that to happen?" Elena asked.

I was silent for a moment. Should I tell her that Elijah found a way to keep Elena alive after the sacrifice? Screw it, I'll tell her. "Elena, Elijah didn't tell me how yet, but he told me that there was a way to keep you alive after the sacrifice." I informed her.

"What?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how, but if anyone knows how to bring someone back from the brink of death, it'd be him." I said. "Though, I highly doubt he'd tell us how now. Seeing as how you guys killed him."

"If I'd known..." I heard her mumble. "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. If we woke him now, he'd most definitely take me and kill everyone involved in his death."

"Yeah, probably..." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Well, we can't worry about that now. I would like to enjoy the rest of my weekend with Stefan. No more vampire drama." Elena said.

"Alright, well, have fun Elena. Talk to you later." I said, ending the call.

Soon, the weekend was over, and I had to go back to school. Surprisingly, even with a few absences, I kept up with my schoolwork. It was the only part of normalcy I had left. The supernatural bullshit seemed to take a small pause while class was going on.

Classes went by surprisingly fast, and I was back at home. Elena had invited Bonnie and Caroline over for a girls' night. I was included and we were talking about ordering a pizza and watching a movie. Caroline of course wanted to watch The Notebook, but I wasn't really in the mood for a romance movie.

Soon, Jenna joined our group and we completely ditched the plan of pizza and a movie. We decided to go to the grill. A band would be playing there. Once we managed to all squeeze into Elena's car, we were off.

Okay, so, apparently, stage fright is not in Caroline's vocabulary. After the band finished one of their songs, she went up on stage, and sang a song to Matt. Evidently, it healed their relationship. So much so that Elena caught them making out in the restrooms.

The night was going great! No supernatural drama, no attacks. Looking back, I should've known that something was bound to happen. Dr.Martin came storming in, looking for Elena. Luka had died, and in a fit of rage, he shattered most of the light bulbs in the room and set the bar on fire. He wanted to take Elena away from us so that he himself could draw Klaus out.

Of course, when he set the bar on fire, I put it out as discreetly as I could. I couldn't let the place burn, but I couldn't let people see me use my powers either. Dr.Martin was getting frustrated with his flames dying out each time he set fire to the bar. Eventually, he gave up on the fire and continued searching for Elena. I knew that I had to find her first and get her out of here.

Thankfully, I got Elena and Jenna out of there. Caroline said she would find Bonnie and get her out. We waited in the car for Caroline and Bonnie. Elena eventually said that she'd drop Jenna and I off at home before going back for Bonnie and Caroline.

Later on that night, I was in the kitchen with Jenna eating ice cream. I let her vent about Alaric. How he was hiding things about Isobel's death. Elena had told me everything that had happened with Isobel since it all happened before I had joined the group.

I felt bad that we couldn't tell Jenna. At this point, it would be safer for her to know about the supernatural. She's sitting right in the middle of all of it and she doesn't even know what is going on all around her.

"If I go to bed right now, there's a chance I'll wake up hangover-free." Jenna said as Elena walked into the kitchen. Elena joined us in eating ice cream.

The moment didn't last very long. We heard the doorbell ring. "Who's that?" Jenna questioned. She got up to go answer the door and I followed her. She opened the door, and who I saw there put me in shock.

"Hi, you must be Jenna. I'm Elena's mother." the woman standing before the door said.

"Isobel." Elena mumbled from behind us.

What the hell is she doing here?!

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