Chapter 41: Hanging Out With Enzo

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Emma's POV

I woke up the next day to the sun shining on my face through the window. I knew that the full moon would be coming soon. Not that night, but the following night. I knew that the day would be spent stressing out about what was to come the next day. What a good way to spend my sixteenth birthday...

I didn't want to spend the day hiding in here. I wanted to do something, but I didn't want to force anyone to celebrate today when Elena would be used as a sacrifice tomorrow night. Not that anyone knew it was my birthday anyways.... Maybe I can ask Enzo to go to the grill with me today. I pulled out my phone to do just that. I opened my contacts and selected Enzo's name. I put the phone to my ear and waited for Enzo to pick up. After a few rings, he finally picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Enzo, do you want to go to the grill with me today? I don't want to spend the entire day stuck inside." I said.

"Yeah, sure, what time?" he asked.

"Does noon work for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, that works. See you then!" he said.

"Yep, see ya!" I said before I hung up. I glanced at the time on my phone. I've got an hour to kill.

I went downstairs to see what everyone was doing. The only one I saw was Elena. "Hey." I said as I approached her.

"Hey Emma, what's up?" she asked.

"Nothing much. Hey, do you think you can give me a ride to the grill? I have to be there at noon." I asked.

"Yeah, sure. What for?" she questioned back.

"I just don't want to stay cooped up in this place all day. That and I'm meeting someone." I answered.

"Oh, who are you meeting?" Elena asked.

"A friend from McKinley. He's in town and he wanted to say hi." I answered.

"Okay, but be careful. Klaus is still out there. I don't want anything to happen to you." Elena warned.

"I know, Elena." I said.

After spending some time on my phone, I got ready to meet Enzo. Elena met me downstairs and we went out to her car. She dropped me off at the grill. "Call me if you need to be picked up." she said as she left.

I walked in. I saw Enzo sitting up at the bar. I walked up to him and took the seat next to him. He smiled at me when he noticed my approach. I smiled back. "Hey." I said.

"Hey." he said back. "How have you been? What have you and the gang been up to?"

"I've been doing okay. Don't freak out, but remember when I told you about Elijah?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he replied.

"Elena and I kind of...woke him yesterday..." I admitted.

"You what?" he asked in a darker tone.

"Enzo, Klaus is in town, and he's the only one who could tell us what we needed to know in order to beat him. We wouldn't have a chance if we knew nothing about the guy." I reasoned with him.

"Emma, he could have killed you. I'm sure after being dead for an unknown amount of time he would be, understandably, upset with anyone associated with his death." Enzo replied.

"Well, I wasn't associated with his death." I told him.

"But you're associated with the people associated with his death. Some people don't see the difference." Enzo told me.

"Elijah is different. He is cool and calculated. He doesn't let his emotions fuel his decisions. He can see past the fact that I'm close with the people who tried to kill him. He had no ill will towards me." I said.

"Still, what you did was dangerous. I can't have you getting hurt, Emma." Enzo replied.

"I know Enzo. I'll try to be careful." I told him.

"Hey, what can I get you?" the bartender said as she made her approach.

"Can I have a coke and some fries?" I asked.

"Sure thing. And for you?" the bartender asked as she turned to Enzo.

"Captain coke please." Enzo ordered.

"Coming right up!" the bartender said as she walked off.

"Whatever happened to you trying to stay out of all of this?" Enzo asked.

"That immediately ended when Katherine killed my parents and I started to live with Elena and her family." I responded.

"Can you at least try to stay out of it?" Enzo asked.

"No can do. If I tried, I'll eventually be dragged back into it. Besides, if I did stay out of the Klaus business, I would be dragged into something else immediately afterwards." I admitted.

"What do you mean?" Enzo questioned.

"Um, well..." I started. I told him about the conversation Elijah and I had when Elena left. About how Elijah and I were soulmates. After the explanation, he didn't respond. He just looked at me in shock. "Enzo..?" I asked nervously.

When he shook himself out of his shock, he said something that greatly confused me. "We need to get you out of town."


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