Chapter 20: The Masquerade

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Emma's POV

I was wearing a beautiful green dress with long sleeves. My mask was a matching shade of green with two fake jewels by the eyes. I didn't feel like doing anything fancy with my hair, so I left it down. "Emma, you look amazing!" Elena said from behind me.

"Thank you, Elena." I responded with a smile.

"Emma, Caroline's here!" I heard Alaric yell from downstairs.

"On my way!" I yelled back as I made my way out of Elena's room. I gave her a quick wave goodbye before I made my way downstairs and out the door. Caroline was taking me to the masquerade ball. I hopped into the passenger seat and we were off.

The plan was in action. I was in a room across from the room Bonnie had spelled. Caroline should be executing her part of the plan any second now. As if on cue, I heard two sets of footsteps making their way towards the room along with Caroline's voice. "Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it."

"Shut up. Which room is it?" I heard Katherine say. They stopped walking right in front of me. I didn't think Katherine knew I was here yet.

"It's that one." Caroline admitted as she nodded to the one right in front of them.

Katherine continued to drag Caroline by the hair into the room. I'm up! I quickly stepped out of the room. Katherine noticed me instantly. She immediately released Caroline. "Oh, Emma, how's mom and dad?" she mocked. Caroline and Katherine were separated. Good. I pushed Katherine back, trying to get her into the room. She stumbled back a bit, but she wasn't within the barrier of the room yet. "Really, that's all you can do to respond? Push me?" Katherine said, unimpressed.

If that didn't get her in, this will. I created a massive gust of air and aimed it at Katherine. The gust was powerful enough to push her into the middle of the room. Katherine did not look happy. She tried to rush towards me, but the barrier stopped her. "What the..." Katherine gasped out in surprise. Realization crossed her face as she turned around. "Stefan?"

"Hello Katherine." Stefan said as he stepped into view.

"Goodbye Katherine." Caroline said as she walked away.

"Can you handle this?" I asked. Sefan nodded at me. With that, I followed Caroline back downstairs. "Hey, would you mind giving me a quick ride home? I was only here to execute my part of the plan." I asked Caroline once I caught up to her.

"Sure! On the way there, you can explain why you didn't tell me about your powers." Caroline said.

I gave her a small smirk. "Deal."

True to my word, I told Caroline that I didn't want people knowing about my powers. I explained that I wanted to stay out of the vampire drama, but I got sucked in anyway. When we got back to the house, Caroline followed me in. We made it up to Elena's room so that I could change. While I was changing, I told Caroline what my powers were and how little I knew about them. Once I was completely changed, I told Caroline to enjoy the rest of her night at the ball. While she was walking out the door, I went into the living room to check on Elena and Jenna. Jenna was asleep on the couch and Alaric was watching TV, but I didn't see Elena.

"Alaric, where's Elena?" I asked.

It was then that Alaric noticed my entrance. "Hey Emma, she went to bed a while ago..." he said.

"She wasn't in her room, I was just in there." I said. I realized that she must've figured out what was going on. I quickly went outside. Caroline was still there. I also looked for Elena's car. It was gone. I should've noticed.

Before Caroline could drive off, I stopped her and explained the situation. I got into the car and we raced back to the mansion. Once we were there, I told Caroline to go back to the party and that I could handle Elena. I searched for Elena. I found her with Bonnie. She had blood on her shirt. I ran up to them. "Elena, what happened?" I asked frantically.

"Long story short, a witch linked Elena and Katherine together, they're now unlinked, Katherine is defeated, and now I'm helping Elena heal." Bonnie said. I nodded, thankful that Elena was okay. I waited there while Bonnie did what she could with Elena's wounds.

Once Bonnie was done healing her, Elena went to have a quick talk with Stefan before heading out to her car. I followed her to make sure she got there okay. Despite Bonnie's healing, she was still hurt. I noticed someone in a full mask following us. "Elena!" I tried to warn. Before I could say anything else or react, the person in the mask hit me in the head with something hard. My world went dark before my head even reached the ground.

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