Chapter 11: New Friend

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Emma's POV

After a lengthy talk with Bonnie's grandmother, who I knew by then was named Sheila, Bonnie took me back home. On the way back to my house, I asked Bonnie not to tell anybody about my powers. I made it known that I didn't want to get mixed up into any supernatural business.

She said she understood. She also showed a great interest in my abilities. She expressed how she would like to see what else I could do. I told her to meet me at my house after classes the next day if she really wanted to know what else I could do with my powers.

The next day rolled around, and just like I told her, she met me at my house after school. I led her to my usual spot in the forest. I could tell that she immediately noticed how beat up the ground was. She stared rather wide eyed at a large hole in the ground.

She looked up at me, and pointed to the hole. "What..?" she started. It seemed she couldn't quite find the right words to ask what she wanted to.

"I did that with one of my abilities." I said, answering the question she was struggling to ask.

"You did that using one of your abilities?" she asked, shocked.

Instead of answering verbally, I decided to lift a large chunk of earth, showing her that, yes, I did do that with my abilities.

She looked on in amazement. A smile formed on my face as I watched her jaw drop. This is gonna be fun!

We stayed there for hours. I showed her what I could do, and in return, she showed me a few things a witch could do. Once we finally decided to call it quits, I led her out of the forest and back to my place. While we exchanged goodbyes, we also exchanged numbers. It was an overall good day, and I was happy that I finally made a friend in this town.

A few days passed by, and I didn't see Bonnie. I texted her, asking if she was alright, since I didn't see her in school. When I got no answer, I sought out Elena. I asked her where Bonnie was. She told me that her grandmother died. That immediately saddened me. She was the one who gave me any sort of clue as to what I was. I made a reminder to myself to give Bonnie my condolences the next time I saw her.

While I was talking to Elena, I asked her if Bonnie had told her what my abilities were since she already knew that I was some sort of supernatural creature. She confirmed that Bonnie did tell her what my abilities were. I wasn't too upset, since she already knew I wasn't exactly human, but I told her to not tell anybody what I could do. She nodded and told me she wouldn't tell anyone.

A few more days passed by, and Bonnie finally returned to class. I gave her my condolences and told her if she ever needed anything to not hesitate to ask. She thanked me.

I could tell that she had changed. She wasn't openly avoiding Elena, but I could tell that she was trying to distance herself from her. I didn't know what was going on. Despite not being friends with Elena, I felt kind of bad for her. I felt bad for Bonnie, too. As much as I cared for both of them, I didn't want to get involved; determined to stay out of any supernatural drama. Although, being friends with Bonnie, I should have known that I would have eventually gotten dragged into it at some point...

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