Chapter 33: Setting Up

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Emma's POV

"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon starts.

"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." Stefan responds.

"Something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply." Damon snarks.

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled someone at school." Stefan said. He looked over at Elena, Bonnie and I. "It's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"

There was a quick knock on the door before Alaric walked in. "There you are." Damon said.

"Sorry I'm late." Alaric said. I got that weird feeling again as Alaric walked into the room. I didn't voice my concerns, though. I thought it was probably the stress messing with me.

"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon said to Alaric.

"Okay, so we find him, and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?" Elena asked.

"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." Bonnie responded.

"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he's that biggest, baddest vampire around." Alaric added.

"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he..." Damon started before he rushed towards Bonnie.

This didn't phase Bonnie one bit. Before Damon could reach her, she used her powers to throw him into the bookshelves across the room. "Well, I was impressed." Stefan said, amused.

"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can." Bonnie said. And with that, the 'Let's Kill Klaus' meeting was over.

Elena and I made our way back to the house. On our way home, I got a text from Enzo saying that he didn't own any CDs with sixties music. I texted him to not worry about it.

Elena helped me do my hair for the dance. It was lightly curled to give it more volume. I tied the bow into my hair before quickly changing into my dress.

Once I was ready, I grabbed the CDs Damon gave me and Elena drove me to the school. Before I exited the car, Elena stopped me. "Bonnie and I will come to the dance early with any sixties CDs we find." she said. I gave her a quick nod before running into the school.

I walked into the gym at 4:15PM. I saw Caroline and a couple of guys carrying in the heavy DJ equipment up onto the small stage. I made my way onto the stage and took a look at the equipment. There were two speakers, a speaker holder, a table, a computer case, and a large tote. I looked down and saw a sub being rolled into the gym.

Once the sub was carried onto the stage, I took the pipe and cord out of the pouch and pulled the covering off of it. I told one of the guys to flip the sub off the wheels so that I could screw the pipe in.

Once the pipe was secured, I showed Caroline and the guys the hole on the bottom of each speaker, meant for securing the speakers onto either the pipe on top of the sub, or onto the speaker holder. I had one of the guys lift one of the speakers onto the pipe I had screwed into the sub. While he was doing that, I set up the speaker holder and had one of the guys put the speaker onto the holder. Once they were done with that, I pulled the computers out of the case. One main computer, and one spare computer. I turned them on. The computers weren't new by any means, so it would take a few minutes for them to boot up.

While we waited for the computers to turn on, I opened the big tote. I pulled out the mix board and the various cords and power strips that we would need to hook everything up. I closed the tote once I was sure I had grabbed everything that I needed. I grabbed the computer case and pulled out the computer chargers along with the cords I would need to hook the computers onto the mix board. Once I had everything out, I put the computer bag, tote, and sub cover under the table.

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