Chapter 54: Four Soulmates

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No One's POV

Emma and Elijah walked into the living room, where the Original siblings sat. At their arrival, all heads in the room turned towards them. Emma noticed that Klaus was in the room. She concluded that Finn and Kol had cooled off enough to be around Klaus.

"Finn, Kol, this is Emma. Emma, this is Finn..." Elijah gestured to the older looking Original. "...and Kol." he finished as he gestured to the Original that looked closer to Rebekah's age.

"It's nice to meet you two." Emma said. She smiled at the two recently awakened Originals.

The two Originals looked at her in wonder. Kol sped up to Emma, startling her, who hadn't been expecting it. Kol held his hand out. Expecting a handshake, Emma grabbed his hand. Instead of a handshake, Kol brought her hand up to his lips to kiss the back of her hand.

Emma felt tingles run through her. The same tingles that she felt with Elijah and Klaus. She stared at Kol, shocked. Kol smirked at her.

Kol could feel those wonderful tingles run through his body. Kol knew what this meant. He knew when Elijah introduced her to him. The way she looked, her intoxicating scent. It's her. It had to be. His soulmate.

"Pleased to meet you, my dear." Kol said.

"Emma is the soulmate of Klaus and I." Elijah announced.

Kol was greatly confused. "What?"

"I feel it with him, too." Emma spoke up.

Elijah's eyebrows furrowed. Emma looked back and saw his confused expression. "The tingles you feel when you make physical contact with your soulmate..." she started. She looked over at Klaus as she finished her statement. "I feel it with Kol, too."

The statement surprised everyone in the room. Finn didn't know exactly what was going on. In fact, all he could focus on was the young woman Elijah had walked in with. Her scent sent pleasant shivers down his spine. His fixation was unknown to the others in the room who were reeling from the new information.

Emma looked back at Elijah. "Is this even possible?" she whispered, but the question was heard by everybody.

"Kol, do you believe that Emma is your soulmate?" Elijah asked.

"Yes. Her scent, the tingles, it all points towards that. Emma is my soulmate." Kol stated.

Finn finally made his move. He got up and sped over to Emma. He grabbed her free hand in both of his. He felt tingles rush up his arms at the contact.

Emma's eyes widened even more. "How..." she choked out.

"Don't tell me..." Klaus said, frustrated.

"Him too?" Elijah asked Emma.

Unable to form words, she looked to Elijah and nodded.

"Oh, you poor soul." Rebekah said to Emma. She knew that Emma had to try to keep all four of them in line.

"Sálufélagi minn." Finn said.

Everyone in the room except for Emma knew what he had said. He had said 'my soulmate' in his mother tongue.

"What did he say?" Emma asked.

"He just called you his soulmate." Rebekah answered.

"So, I have four soulmates..?" Emma asked.

"It would seem so." Elijah said.

"Okay..." Emma paused. She tried looking for something else to say. "I don't know how to deal with four soulmates..."

"I don't think anyone does." Rebekah pitched in.

Kol and Finn were both still holding her hands, sending continuous waves of warm tingles through her body, making it harder for her to think.

"Why don't we all take a seat and talk about this?" Elijah suggested.

Everyone else in the room, except Finn, nodded.

Throughout the meeting, Klaus translated everything they talked about to Finn. Everyone agreed to not fight when it came to Emma. They knew it would be a learn as they go process. They knew it would take some work, but agreed to do whatever it took to make this whole four soulmates thing work.

After the conversation was done, Elijah took Emma home. Kol and Finn wanted her to stay, but Elijah understood that Emma needed some time to let everything sink in.

After dropping Emma back at home, he went back to the mansion. Kol went up to him and started asking about Emma. So, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah sat Kol and Finn down and answered their questions to the best of their abilities.

They asked about her family, which stumped all three of them. They knew that Jenna had adopted her after Katherine had killed her previous parents, but knew nothing about her birth parents. Emma hadn't even told them about the parents she had before Faith and Gideon.

When they brought up the fact that Emma had powers, Kol immediately perked up. He asked question after question about Emma's powers. They answered what they could. There were still a lot of unknowns when it came to her power.

After all of the questions about her powers, Kol made a promise to himself that he'd help Emma find out what she was. He knew of a few people and groups who would be able to help him get started. But that was for later, after they knew how to make this whole situation work.

They asked about her age. They told them that she was sixteen, but they knew that they would have to have a very serious conversation with Finn to tell what was and was not acceptable.

While the Mikaelsons were having a conversation about Emma, Emma was debating on whether or not to tell Jenna what was going on. She was sitting down on the couch, deep in thought.

Jenna walked in and saw the contemplative expression Emma held on her face. "Emma, you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine, Jenna." Emma said back.

"Emma, I can tell that something is on your mind. You want to talk about it?" she asked.

Emma sighed, making her decision. She gestured for Jenna to sit down next to her. Once they were both comfortable, Emma started speaking. "You know how I'm the soulmate of both Elijah and Klaus, right?"

"Yeah." Jenna responded.

"Well, I should tell you what happens when you meet your soulmate. So, for supernatural beings with enhanced senses, they know pretty much right when they meet you. The way you look and your scent draws them in. For everyone else, you have to make physical contact with that person. When you do, you will feel tingles run through your body. The other person will feel the tingles. too." Emma told her.

"Okay, why do I need to know all of this?" Jenna asked.

"Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah woke up their siblings last night. Their siblings being Finn and Kol. I just met them earlier today. Jenna, when Finn and Kol took my hands, I felt the tingles. I have four soulmates. Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Finn." Emma told her.

"So, you're telling me that you are mated to four of the five Original siblings..." Jenna said.

"Yes." Emma said.

Jenna kept her face neutral, but her mind was running at a mile a minute. She wanted to protect Emma, but there was no way she would be able to tell four Originals that she would kill them if they ever hurt Emma. They wouldn't take her seriously.

Emma gave Jenna time to process the new information. She knew that this wouldn't be an easy pill for her to swallow. She knew that Jenna wanted to be able to protect her, but in a world full of supernatural creatures, there was very little she herself could do to protect Emma.

"Do you feel safe around them?" Jenna asked.

"Yes, I do." Emma said back.

"I want to meet them. I want to make sure that they won't hurt you." Jenna said.

"That can be arranged."

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