Chapter 18: Tears

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Emma's POV

I was hysterical. I don't know how long I was crying and begging my parents to wake up before I gained the sense to call the authorities.

The sheriff was the first to arrive along with one of her deputies. I heard other sirens in the distance. The sheriff quickly rushed inside, finding me on the ground in tears. She knelt next to me. She tried to console me, but it was like I was numb to what was happening around me.

I saw the sheriff look at my dead parents. Her eyes lingered on their necks, her face going slightly pale. She knows...

I managed to find the energy to speak. "I know what did this..."

"You do, huh?" the sheriff asked, seeming to know what I was about to say.

"Vampire." I whispered.

More cops and an ambulance showed up. It was too late. My parents were dead. There was no saving them. If I had just stayed home today, this wouldn't have happened. I knew something like this would happen. If I didn't get involved, they'd still be.. I couldn't handle these thoughts. I couldn't handle them because they were true. I could've protected them!

Once the tears had slowed, I was questioned by the sheriff. I told them that I found my parents right after I got home. I didn't tell them about the note. They couldn't do anything. Besides, I saw no need to pull them into this mess.

After the initial questioning, she took me to her office to talk more in depth about what had happened, and what was to happen next. There was a brief conversation about what I had mentioned when she first arrived. I knew that she knew about vampires, and she knew that I knew. She told me to not get involved in this sort of thing. If only I had listened to myself when I said the exact same thing.

She also told me that I needed someone to look after me until something more permanent could take place. I had no family. Any family members Faith had were either dead or distant. I've never even met any of Gideon's family. I had nowhere to go.

"So, you have no close family around here. Are there any friends that could take you in?" Sheriff Forbes asked.

"I could ask Elena if it would be alright with Jenna for me to crash there for a while." I mentioned.

"Good. I can call them for you if you want." she offered.

I nodded. I didn't have Elena's number. I would have had to call Bonnie first for her number, and explain the situation. I didn't think I could do that without breaking down.

I stayed silent as she called Jenna and explained that my parents were dead and that I would need a place to stay. I wonder what the official report would say. They can't just write down that a vampire attacked my parents.

After the call, the sheriff said that Jenna agreed to take me in for the time being and that they would be here in a few minutes. I thanked her. She asked if I needed anything else from her. I shook my head. All that there was left to do was to wait.

Jenna eventually showed up. Elena was with her. As soon as Elena saw me walk out, she dashed towards me. She engulfed me in a big hug. Tears sprung to my eyes and I hugged her back. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." she whispered. I tried to keep my sobs quiet as I cried into her shoulder. After the day I had, I really needed a hug.

Eventually, I pulled away and wiped my eyes. I followed them out to the car and got into the back seat. Once we were all settled in, we were off. During the car ride there, Elena informed me that she called Bonnie and that she'd meet us at the house.

We pulled into the driveway of my temporary home. I got out and followed Jenna and Elena inside. The second I stepped into the house, I was nearly tackled into a hug by Bonnie. Again, tears formed in my eyes. I didn't think anyone was capable of crying so much in one day. I thought all my tears had been used up while I was still at my house. My old house.

"It'll all be okay Emma. I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll get through these dark days. We'll get through them together." Bonnie said. I could hear the sincerity in her voice. When did I get such kind friends?

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