Chapter 35: To Channel Enough Power...

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Emma's POV

"No matter. By all means, fire away! If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy." Klaus said as he stood up.

"Go. Run. Run!" Bonnie yelled. We ran away. We didn't have to run far. We saw Damon when we rounded the corner.

"What happened?" Damon asked.

"Klaus is in Alaric's body!" Elena panted out.

"What?" Damon asked, clearly confused.

"Like he's possessing it or something." Bonnie tried to clarify.

"Go find Stefan. Now. Now!" Damon told Elena and I. With that, we ran off.

I followed Elena back to the dance. We looked around for Stefan. "Hey, are you two okay?" Caroline asked.

"Uh, yeah. I'm just..." Elena stopped to catch her breath. "I'm looking for Stefan."

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Caroline pushed.

"Just, um..." Elena tried to come up with something. "Just stay with Matt, okay?"

When I spotted Stefan, I tapped Elena's shoulder. "Over there." I said and pointed him out. We made our way over to him.

"Stefan, we have to get Bonnie and leave!" Elena said.

"Why, what's going on?" Stefan questioned.

"This is going to sound crazy, but Klaus is possessing Alaric's body, and if Bonnie kills him, she'll die!" Elena siad, shocking me.

"Wait, die?! What do you mean she'll die?!" I asked, shocked.

"If she channels too much power, she could die!" Elena said. I can't let that happen.

The three of us ran through the halls. We ran into Damon. "There you are." he said as he spotted us.

"What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?" Elena asked.

"She's doing what she has to do." Damon said. No...

"What?" I asked frantically.

"Where is she?" Stefan asked.

"Stefan, let her do this." Damon said, blocking our way.

"Damn it, Damon, where is she?" Stefan yelled out.

Before he gave an answer, we heard some crashing sounds coming from the cafeteria. Elena and I ran over to the doors leading into the cafeteria, Stefan hot on our tails. We saw Bonnie and Klaus there. Klaus was writhing on the ground while Bonnie stood over him with a bloodied nose. She's using too much energy! "Bonnie, no!" I yelled out as I tried to run in there. The doors slammed shut right as I was about to enter.

Stefan tried to use his strength to force the door open. Nothing was working. "Stand back!" I told them. I sent multiple massive wind blasts towards the door. Again, it wouldn't budge. Before I could try anything else, I saw Bonnie collapse to the floor. "No!" Both Elena and I screamed.

The doors opened and we ran in. "Oh God, Bonnie!" I yelled out as I crouched down next to her.

"Bonnie, hey, hey!" Elena cried out. "Stefan, she's not breathing! Stefan! Stefan, I can't...I can't find her pulse! Stefan, do something please! Stefan, please! Just give her blood, do something, please!" Elena cried out desperately.

I couldn't say anything. All I could do was sit there and let tears fall from my eyes. The world around me faded. Why couldn't I do anything? I could've found a way to kill Klaus myself! This wouldn't have happened if I had stepped up and done something. Bonnie wouldn't be dead! I wouldn't have lost anyone else if I had just...done something! This could have been prevented! God, why am I so useless!?

I didn't come back to reality until Stefan started to pull us away from Bonnie's body. "No, Jeremy. Oh, my God, Jeremy! What about Jeremy?" Elena cried.

"I'll find him." Stefan said.

I just let them pull me out of the cafeteria. When I was about to be dragged outside, I stopped. Stefan looked back at me. "I have to stay. I need to help take down the DJ equipment at the end of the dance." I said, my voice hoarse from crying.

"Damon and I can take care of that. I'll take you and Elena home." Stefan said.

Stefan took us to the boarding house and helped us inside. I sat down on the couch and curled myself into a ball, hugging my legs. Stefan left and went back to the dance to take care of things there.

The next couple hours went by in a blur. Stefan and Damon came back. I was still curled up on the couch. I snapped back into reality when a harsh slap sounded in the room. Elena had slapped Damon. Damon hardly reacted. He just took a deep breath and calmly started to speak. "You need to listen to me, and prepare for what I'm about to say..."

"Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that, and he wasn't going to stop, and we weren't gonna be able to stop him until he knew she was dead. He had to believe it." Damon started. Wait, so, Bonnie's... "She cast a spell. Bonnie's okay."

Bonnie's okay, she's not dead! She's alive! Thank God!

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