Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {50}

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"Skye!!!" I heard Zane yell as the car lights got closer towards me..

Then, suddenly, everything went black.

A couple seconds later, I opened my eyes. I heard Zane shout as I saw people crowd around me. My head was aching with pain as I tried to move it. Everything turned blurry, then clear, and then blurry again. Trying to avoid the pain, I moved my head to the right, where I saw Landon, laying on the pavement. My eyes widened as I saw his head bleed out alot of blood and his eyes, closed.

"Landon......Landon...." I called out, trying to reach his hand.

"Skye, are you okay?!" asks Zane in a panicking tone.

"Landon..." I couldn't stop calling out Landon's name as Zane asked me how I was.

I heard two sirens coming closer and closer. Zane looks at me, worriedly and takes my hand and Landon's. I heard engines roar as pediatrics came towards me and Landon. The ambulance came for us.

They put me on a stretcher and carried me into the ambulance as Landon went to another. The door closes as someone puts an oxygen mask on me. Seconds later, my vision became blurry again and everything went black.


Zane's POV

"Landon, wake up!" I called out to my brother, laying beside me in the ambulance. His skin was pale, eyes closed shut, and his breathing was weak. His head wouldn't stop bleeding as one of the pediatrics places a towel on his wound. I thought about Skye in the other ambulance for a minute. She looked okay a few minutes ago, I wonder how she's doing now.

When we got to the hospital, everyone with Landon rushed into the hospital, as I followed. Soon after, Skye comes in.

As we headed to the emergency room, one of the pediatrics told me to wait in the waiting room. I did what I was told and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and checked the time.

8:17 pm.

I sighed and waited for the doctors or one of the pediatrics to say that both Skye and Landon are okay. I scratched my forehead and sighed. This wig is really itchy. Cheap brand.

An hour passed by and I still haven't gotten a notice from anyone.

Then, a doctor walks towards me. I quickly got up and asked, "Are they okay?"

"The girl is okay. But the young man have lost a large amount of blood and he's still in the emergency room, being taken care of." the doctor says.

"Oh god..." I softly said and sat back down.

"May I ask who---"

"I'm...I'm their best friend. Their parents aren't in town so they're living with me for a while." I lied.

"Alright." he says.

"Can I go see her?" I asked, talking about Skye.

"For a little bit, it's fine. Go ahead." he says.

We both walked towards the room where Skye was and stopped at the front door.

I thanked the doctor and slowly headed inside the room.

Skye was lying in bed, peacefully.

I walked closer to her and sat down beside the bed. Her breathing was at a normal pace and like the doctor said, she was fine. I sighed in relief and took her hand.


I looked at her and slightly tilted my head.

Did she just say something?

"Skye, are you okay?" I whispered.

"Landon..." she mummbles and her hand moves against mine.

She slowly opens her eyes and stares at me.

"Zane?" she asks, quietly.

"'re okay. Wow, thank god." I said, sighing.

She looks around and asks, "Where's Landon?"

I looked at her, remembering what the doctor have said.

"Is he here? Is he okay?" she asks.

I held onto her hand tighter and said, "Skye...Landon's fine. He's in the emergency room, being taken care of by the doctors and nurses. He'll be fine."

"He'll be fine? So, he's not okay?" she asks.

As she tries to sit up, I stopped her when she winced from pain.

"Calm down. He's gonna be okay. Just...don't worry." I said.

"Landon...I need to see him." she says, her voice cracking.

A small tear trickles down her cheek as she looks at me in the eyes with sadness and pain in her eyes. I got up and hugged her.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry."

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