Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {29}

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When we got home, we were all stuffed with Italian food and tired. I threw myself on the couch and groaned, "Oh my god. I'm so tired. And full." 

"Hey, you ate like three plates of ravioli." says Landon. 

"I was hungry, okay?" I said. 

"I'm going to go take a shower." says Amy as she walks towards upstairs. 

"Okay." he says. 

"Your girlfriend is really annoying." I whispered, making sure Amy doesn't hear me. 

"Amy? How is she annoying? She's nice...and hot." he replies. 

"Well, while you were at the bathroom at the resteraunt, she was bragging about you. Ticked me off." I said. 

"That's because you're jealous that I have a girlfriend and you broke up with Roy." he says. 

"Shut up." I said, blushing. 

"Woah, are you...blushing?" he says, smirking at me. 

"No!" I lied and stormed upstairs. 

I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. Why am I blushing? Especially in front of Landon?!  

I lied down on my head and groaned, "What the hell is wrong with me?!" 

I sat up and hugged my frog pillow pet. 

Yes I have a pillow pet. 

There's nothing wrong with that. 

"Oh why. Oh why do I have to marry that Prince Jerk." I said to myself. 

Another groan escaped my lips as I fell backwards.  


"Skye! Roy's here!" 

"SAY WHAT?!" I screamed and sat up, swiftly. I turned to Landon who was laughing. 

"Gotcha." he said.  

"Oh my god Landon...I hate you so much!" I groaned. 

"I know you do." he said and grabs my pillow pet from the floor. He gives me a wierd look as he raises it up. 

"What? There's nothing wrong with owning a pillow pet." I said, snatching it away from him. 

"Sure, it isn't." he says, sarcastically. 

I got up from my bed and stretched out my arms, "Unghhhhhhhh." 

"You stretch like a guy." he says. 

"I do not. I stretch like a normal person." I said as I grabbed my iPod from my bureau. 

"C'mon. Breakfast is served." he said, walking out of the room. 

"Did you make it?" I asked as I followed him. 

"Nope. I got tired of making stuff." he replies. 

"And you call me a lazy ass." I mummbled. 

We headed into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Amy was eating as Landon kisses her cheek. 

I took out my iPod and plugged the earphones in my ear. I then grabbed some food from the plates in front of me as I played "Misery" by Maroon 5. Landon gives me another wierd look and throws a piece of frenchtoast at me. 

"What the hell, Landon?!" I shouted. 

"It's bad to eat while listening to your iPod." said Amy as she shot an evil glare at me. 

"Um yeah...that." mummbles Landon as if he was about to say something else. 

"Oh I'm sorry." I said, glaring back at her. I stopped the music, pulled out my earphones and wrapped it around my iPod. I put it next to my plate and smiled, fakely, "Better?" 

"So, Landon. Which college are you looking forward to go to?" she asks, completely ignoring my question. 

"Probably Colorado State University or University of Missouri." he replies. 

"Ooh, I heard they're great universities." she says. 


"They are." he replies. 

I finished my breakfast early and stormed out of the dining room. I walked in the living room and sat on the couch. Landon walks in and sits next to me. He turns on the TV and changes the channel to MTV. 

"When I was 17 is on!" I said, happily. 

"You like that show?" asks Amy with a disgusted face. 

"Well, not as much as Jersey Shore and MADE but yeah. I like it." I replied. 

"I don't like it. It's pretty boring." she says and sips her mug of coffee. 

"Nothing's really on since it's a Sunday..." Landon says, handing me the remote. He stands up and stretches his arms, "I'm gonna go take a shower." 

"Okay..." I said, my eyes glued on the TV. I then glanced at Amy and turned to Landon who was heading up the stairs, "Wait! Landon! Don't leave me!" 

"What? Are you scared of me?" asks Amy. 

"Pfft, no. It's just that you're annoying, that's all." I said. 

"Well, excuse me." she says, "Mind if you change the channel?" 

"No, I'm watching this." I said. 

"Well, I don't like this show." she says. 

"Well, I like it." I said, clutching the remote in my hand. 

"Whatever." she says.  

We were dead silent until she brings up something, "So, how long have you been here?"  

"For a week...well two weeks now." I said, "I wasn't really used to living here but now, I am." 

"" she says. She glares at me and taps her fingers against the mug cup. I looked at her and gave her a wierd look, "What?" 

"What?" she mimics. 

"I'm just asking why you're looking at me like that. Did I do something wrong besides calling you annoying and not changing the channel?" I asked. 

"It's just that something about you is starting to tick me off." she says. 

"Like what?" I asked. 

"Like when you're trying to flirt with my boyfriend." she says. 

"Woah, wait. Me? Trying to flirt with Landon? I am not and never will!" I said. 

"Well, alot of people say that when a girl and guy make fun of eachother, that means that they like eachother. You're so trying to take Landon away from me." she says. 

"Look, I'm not trying to take him away from you. Do whatever you want with him. I don't want to marry him, be with him, even look at him. He's like a demon that came from hell." I said, standing, "Now, will you excuse me as I leave." I handed the remote to Amy and stormed upstairs.

Landon's POV

Did Skye just tell Amy that I was like demon from hell or something? I can't believe she doesn't even want to look at me. Great. And I thought I was starting to fall for her......

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