Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {28}

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After the movie, we all headed back to Landon's car and Landon told us that he made reservations to an Italian resteraunt. A fancy Italian resteraunt. We got in the car and drove out of the movie theater parkinglot.

"That was a great movie." says Amy.

"It was." agrees Landon as he puts his arm around her shoulder.

"How would you know? You two were making out the whole entire time. That only part you saw was the beginning and the ending." I said.

"We were just kissing here and there. Not making out." he says.

"Same thing." I said.

"Jealous to see us kiss?" he says with a smirk, "I bet you were since you recently broke up with your boyfriend."

"Shut up. I don't want to remember that break up moment." I said.

"Whatever." he said.

When we got to the resteraunt, Landon parks the car, we both got out and went inside.

"Welcome to Zelo." greets a waiter, around the 20's.

"Hi, I made reservations earlier. Last name is Rhodes. R-h-o-d-e-s." says Landon.

"Ah, right this way please." says the waiter and leads us to our table. We got to a small table and we sat down as the waiter gave us the menu's.

"My name's Spencer and I will be your waiter for tonight. Any drinks you would like to order?" says the waiter, Spencer.

"I'll have coke." says Landon.

"Pepsi?" asks Spencer.

"Sure." replies Landon.

"Can I have iced tea please?" asks Amy.

"Sure. Sweet or unsweet?" says Spencer.

"Sweet please." she replies.

"And you, cupcake?" he asks, smiling at me.

"7up. If you don't have that, I'll just have Sprite." I said.

"Alright, 7up for the cutie." he says and winks at me.

He leaves the table, leaving me feeling awkward.

"Is it just me, or was that guy hitting on me or something?" I asked.

"He was so into you." says Amy.

"That's kinda creepy." I said.

"Well, he did call you 'cupcake' and 'cutie'; which you aren't." says Landon.

"That's making me feel even more awkward." I said, ignoring his insult.

"He is kinda cute. I wonder how old he is. He looks around 20 or 21." she says.

"Okay, I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I'll handle the waiter dude." I said, opening up my menu.

"I need to go pee." says Landon, out of no where.

"No need to announce it. Just go." I said.

Landon gets up from his seat and fast walks to the men's restroom.

"I have no idea why and how you fell in love with him." I said to Amy.

"He's really cute and nice. The way he looks at me, just wanna make me kiss him and cuddle with him." she replies.

"Yeah, that's nice..." I lied.

"We're meant to be with eachother. Pfft, I dunno why you two are getting married." she said.

Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?!Where stories live. Discover now