Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {17}

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After an hour and a half later, I managed to get back home. Mrs. and Mr. Rhodes didn't suspect a thing so I'm happy about that. I owe Landon for not spilling anything.

I jumped into the shower and I closed my eyes, relaxing. It's nice to take a shower after watching the sunset at the beach with Roy. I'm so happy that Roy and I finally kissed. The kiss kept on replaying in my head, causing me to blush. I let out a small squeal as I picked up the soap.

After I took the shower, I got dressed into my night clothes and made my way towards my bed. I jumped on it and layed down.

"Knock knock, can I come in? Whoops, I'm already in. Too late." I heard someone say at the door. I sat up and spotted, Landon walking towards me.

"Wadya want?" I said, sighing.

"I believe you forgot to say something to me." he said.

"Oh yeah." I said and sighed, "Thanks for covering for me. You know, not saying anything about me and Roy to your parents."

"Yeah, sure. You're welcome." he said and sits next to me, "You need to tell him sooner or later. If he finds out, he'll know that you were lying to him all alo---"

"Okay! I will...but not yet." I said, "I have a feeling that I shouldn't."

"Wasn't honesty an important thing in a relationship?" he asks.

"Yeah...I know. I just don't want him to think that you and I have 'feelings' for eachother." I said.

"Woah! We do not have 'feelings' for eachother!" he said, standing up.

"I know." I replied, "How the hell am I going to tell him?"

"I dunno. Why are you asking me?" he asked.

"Because you're involved with this too." I replied.

"Just tell him tomorrow. Then walk away." he said.

"Walk away?" I asked.

"Yup." he said and walked towards the door, "Night. I'm going to bed."

"Night..." I said, watching him walk out, "Retard."

"I heard that!" I heard Landon call out. I smiled and went under the covers, not bothering to dry my hair.


The next morning, I got ready for school, walked downstairs, had breakfast and waited for Landon. As I sat there, in the dining room, I thought about how I'm going to explain Roy about all of this "arranged marriage" thing.

"Hey, Harris? Ready?" I heard Landon yell from the front door.

"Yah!" I yelled back. I grabbed my bag and walked to the door where Landon was waiting with his car keys.

We walked out the door and got in his car, but it was different this time. It was yellow.

"God, how many cars do you have?" I said, putting on my seatbelt.

"This and the one from yesterday." he said, putting on shades.

"Shades, really?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said, smirking. He turns on the engines and drove out of the driveway.

"So, are you used to my house yet?" he asks me.

"A little. I get lost sometimes but I know I'll get used to it soon." I said.

"Cool." he said.

"Homecomings coming up. Are you doing something?" I asked.

"Nope. What's the point of homecoming anyway? It's just a party but Seniors only." he said.

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