Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {27}

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The next day was my favorite day of the week.


I just love to relax after a full week of school.

I also love it that----

"Skye! Wake up! It's 7!" I heard Landon shout in my ear.

I groaned and threw a pillow at him, "It's a freakin' saturday. Lemme sleep more."

Then, I felt a whack on my back and I sat up, facing Landon who was smirking at me.

"Ow..." I mummbled, rubbing my back.

"C'mon, I made breakfast." he said.

"Landon? Making breakfast? You don't hear that everyday." I said, standing up from my bed.

"Just c'mon." he said as I followed him downstairs.

"The food better not be poisoned." I mummbled.

We walked into the kitchen and I sat at the table, tiredly.

"Good morning, Skye." greets Amy.

"G'morning." I said, trying to smile but fail.

"You should try the pancakes, Landon made. It's really good." she said.

Landon places a plate of decent looking chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. Man, it smells good.

"If I die, feel free to sue Landon." I said. I picked up a fork and knife, cut a piece of the pancake and ate one.

"Soooo..." says Landon, waiting for a response.

"It's actually pretty good." I said. Usually, it would burn my tongue saying that but right now, I'm enjoying the taste of the pancakes.

"Am I a great chef or what?" he says, sitting next to Amy.

"Or what." I replied, making him glare at me.

"Where's your mom? She's usually up by now." I then said.

"She left to Chicago last night." he said.

"What? She did?" I asked.

"Yup. Business stuff. She told me to tell you guys that she'll be gone for about 5 days." he says.

"What about your dad?" I asked.

"He'll be here but he'll be staying at hotels because of late night work." he said.

"What a busy family." says Amy.

I glanced out the window and saw rain, still pouring.

"It's still raining? Geez." I said.

"The weather said that it's going to rain all day today and tomorrow." he said.

"It is? Awwww, that's bullshit." I said and groaned.

"So, what should we do all day today and tomorrow?" says Amy.

"I'm not sure." he says and leans in closer to Amy, "Maybe we can make ou---"

"No you are not. That's disgusting, especially in front of me!" I said, cutting him off.

"I'm just kidding...or am I?" he says as Amy let out a giggle.

"Landon, you're just...just terrible." I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Whatever, mother." he says, airquoting the word "mother".

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I heard him ask.

"Somewhere where I can't see your face!" I shouted and ran up to my room.

Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?!Where stories live. Discover now