Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {20}

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Author's Note: I'm sorry for the wait! I hope you like this chapter! It is a bit short though.

My winter break ended and it made me sad. Very sad. I hope you all had a great vacation! And have a happy new year too!


Skye's POV

This is so funny! I bet Landon's parents' faces are priceless! Since I'm doing innappropriate things, maybe they'll cancel on the arranged marriage because of how misbehaved and innappropriate I am!

"Skye! Please open the door immediately!" I heard Mr. Rhodes shout behind my door.

That does not sound good.

Roy and I both stopped jumping and looked at eachother. I walked to the door and slowly opened it. There, standing was Mr. Rhodes, really mad.

"Hey, Mr. Rhodes. Dinner ready yet?" I said, nervously.

"Skye Harris. What is going on in here?" he said and looks at Roy who got off the bed.

"We are 'studying'." I said, "Is something wrong with that?"

"Don't lie to me, Skye. What is really going on?" he said.

"We were really studying, sir." says Roy.

"That does it." says Mr. Rhodes and sighs, "We're re-scheduling the wedding date."

"What? You-you're not canceling it?" I asked.

"Why would I cancel it? The wedding is now gonna be in November. And that's final." he said and storms out of my room.

"The didn't work." I said.

"Skye...I'm sorry." says Roy.

"Great, now the wedding's going to be in two months. That's too soon." says Landon.

"I better get home." says Roy. He swiftly kisses me and walks towards the window.

"Wait." I said, making him stop and look at me, "Take the door. That'll be much easier."

"Oh right..." he said and walks out of my room. I sighed heavily and sat on my bed. "I'm so stupid. And I thought I could get rid of the wedding." I said.

"You're not......stupid." he said.

"How am I not stupid? You're a complete jerk, who's going to marry me in two months, and you make fun of me. And you're saying that I'm not stupid?" I said.

"Yeah, you're not." he said, "Everything's not your fault."

I looked at him and sighed, "Thanks, for trying to cheer me up. I'm going to bed."

I walked to my chest drawer and pulled out some clothes.

"Kay, night." he said. He walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek. He then leaves the room like nothing happened, leaving me wide eyed.

I touched my cheek, expecting me to say something like "ew" or "that's disgusting", the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "Wow..."


The next morning, I woke up pretty rough. Not bothering to brush my bedhead hair, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning....." I said in a monotone voice. Landon's parents stopped and stared at me.

"Good morning, Skye...are you all right?" says Mrs. Rhodes.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." I said, sarcastically.

"You look disgusting." says Landon.

"Thanks." I said, again with sarcasm.

"Skye, dear, I know you're upset but you and Landon are getting married. You shouldn't go off and have a relationship with someone else. It is against the rules." she says.

"I know. I know. It's just that, I can't stand this! I wanna go back home, turn my life back to normal." I said.

"Skye...please, trust us. You and Landon are going to be a great couple! And, you two will have fun. It's a great experience." she says.

"Hm, yeah right." I said.

"I'm with her." says Landon, walking to my side.

"Oh dear....well, you two should head to school." she said, tiredly. She then looks at me, "Remember, no more boyfriend."

"Fine..." I said and headed up to my room.

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