Chapter 3

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Bella's Pov-
Yet again, Ashton and I walked to school together talking about the most random things. We always seem to end up on the topic of America, I'm pretty sure with time he'll be a bit less curious. The front doors of the school were crowded with people so ash and I had to squish and squeeze through all of the people to see what we would've never expected. At least what I would've never expected....

Mikey was pummeling some kid who I had talked to earlier. He was a nice kid, and I don't know why Mikey was doing this to him!

"Mikey!" I yell over the crowd. He looked confused to who was calling but then continued punching and beating the absolute shit out of this poor boy.

"Mikey! Oh my god, stop! You're going to seriously hurt him!" Ash and I both yelled at Mikey and he looked up and saw us. He instantly got up and kicked the kid one last time before walking down the hallway and scaring people off.

Ash and I chase after him and the crowd of kids wait with the severely injured boy... I think his name was... Um.. Chad was it..? I'm not sure. But we weren't the only ones following Mikey. Luke and Calum had already caught up with Michael and stopped him. Ash and I caught up seconds later. We all asked him why he was beating Chad up, he mumbled something under his breath but I guess only I heard it because they didn't stop interrogating him. I couldn't quite make out what he said though, I wish I did.

"Are you guys going to keep asking these stupid fucking questions or can I just go and wait until lunch to hear all of this bullshit about beating up that worthless snot?" Mikey said, everyone was dumbfounded to what he had just said.

All of a sudden Mikey looked down at me. I'm only 5'3 so having an over 6 foot man that's pretty much a foot taller than me is pretty intimidating. I had a look of fear and shock on my face, I'm pretty sure he realized it too. He knew I was nervous around him and he knew I felt intimidated by him!

"And you!" He yelled looking right at me.
"Just get out of here! Why'd you even come here in the first place? It's none of your business about what I'm doing with my life! Just stay away from all four of us!" I was shocked to say the least. I didn't know someone could be so cruel. When he yelled it caused me to jump back and hit Ash. I felt hot tears forming in my eyes but I couldn't let them fall... Not in front of him. I started running and barely got out "Fuck you Michael.." I could physically feel is smirk and gaze burning into my back as I ran. Thankfully Ash had caught up to me so I at least had someone to talk to.

He took me into a janitors closet and I just cried. Ash didn't know why Michael was being so rude to me but he said he was going to talk to him because that had crossed the line. He just hugged me and we both missed two class periods but frankly I didn't care.

Michael ended up getting an obvious suspension. But it was an in-school suspension so he'd still be at lunch and basically whatever class a teacher had decided to send him to. I was praying to God that he wouldn't sit by us at lunch or be in any of my classes.

Ash and I had gotten out of the janitors closet right as 3rd period had started. I didn't look terrible but I'd rather just not care... So that's what I did.

Lunch came soon... A bit too soon for my liking. Ash, Luke, and Calum could basically see all of my anxiety pouring out of me. I was bouncing my leg and tapping my fingers on the circular lunch table. I was just staring blankly at anything, anything that could get that horrible experience out of my head. I have had anxiety attacks before but I'm not going to this time. I won't let myself.

Then I spotted him... The boy who has caused so much pain to me in just 5 sentences. He seemed to have calmed down a bit but I instantly regretted saying that right after. He sat at our table and instantly we exchanged awkward and annoyed glances at each other. I would run my hands through my black locks of hair when I was nervous, and that's exactly what I was doing now.

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