Chapter 26

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Bella's Pov-
I walked down my steps, phone in hand, ready to do the deed.

"Marcel, can we meet up?" I texted, hands shaking. I waited for a good 15 minutes until he replied.

"Sure! Always happy to see the love of my life!" Jesus Christ...

"Um, where do you wanna meet?"

"How about we go out to eat? It'll be on me!" He seemed so happy but I can't let him pay and then break up with him.

"How about the park? I'm not very hungry." I lied.

"Okay, I'll see you in 15, babe." He texted me some kiss emojis and that made my heart hurt.

No, I'm doing the right thing. I basically cheated and my thoughts will eat me alive if I lied again. Plus, Luke said that he'd tell him if I didn't so that's another thing.

I fixed my hair and put on a light hoodie before walking out. My shoes were clicking on the sidewalk and you could hear them dragging. I always dragged my feet, wearing out the sole on them faster than expected. But these vans had been good to me so far and don't seem to be wearing down.

As I walked into the part my eyes roamed the benches and tables. Marcel was nowhere to be seen. I looked on the swings and around the playhouse until I finally spotted him by the little statue.

I took a shaky breath and walked up to him. He tried to pull me into a hug and I didn't hug back. I stood emotionless as confusion took over his face.

"Marcel, I have something big to tell you and I couldn't do it over the phone." I said, picking at my nails.

"And that is?" I could hear worry setting in.

"I'm.." I started, inhaling a breath of air, "I'm breaking up with you Marcel."

"Wha-What?" He stuttered, his eyes turning glossy.

Over the time that I've known Marcel I learned that he was the emotional type. He tried not to let things get to him but they did, he can't control it.

"Marcel, please don't cry. It's my fault not yours, you did nothing wrong." I walked a little closer to him, making him look at me. He barely could, it hurt him to look.

"How is this your fault? Was I not good enough?" He ran his hands through his brown curly hair.

"No, no, don't say that. You were perfectly fine. I just.." My breath hitched in my throat.

"What? There was another guy wasn't there?" His face now serious but his eyes were a bit puffy.

"Marcel, I just like someone else. This relationship can't continue if one of us isn't putting in our all, right?"

"Who is it? Who is the one that took your heart away?" Little did he know that Michael always had a bit of my heart, I tried to suppress it... I tried.

"Marcel, does it matter?" I added, not wanting to say Michael's name.

"Just tell me who it is, please."

"It's Michael..." I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"Him? Really?" He scoffed.

"Yeah... Marcel I think I should go.." I started walking away.

"When he breaks your heart don't come back to me!" I could hear the hurt in his voice as I left.

I texted Luke as soon as I was out of sight from the park.

"The deed is done, Lucas." I texted.

"What do you mean?" Seriously Luke? I laughed a bit before responding.

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