Chapter 32

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Bella's Pov-

I decided that I wasn't going to get worked up over it too much. I'll just forget about it and move on. It should be simple.

Surprisingly enough, it actually was pretty simple. I forgot about all of my problems as I stood outside of the club with my fake ID, tempted to use it so badly. I wasn't worrying about Michael anymore, I was worrying about everything but him on this Friday night.

"Come on you wussy, let's go!" Piper tugged my arm and dragged me towards the door. I felt my heart beating out of my chest with anxiety but I wouldn't let it show through. If I did, I'd be an obvious give away. Piper, on the other hand, didn't need a fake ID since she was already 18 and turning 19 soon enough.

"I'm so nervous." I whispered to her, mentally scolding myself for actually saying it out loud. All she did was laugh and we showed the guy our ID's. But he stopped for a moment, inspecting mine harder than he had looked at Pipers.

"You sure you're 18, kid?" He held the ID tightly in his grasp.

"Why wouldn't I be sure of my own age?" I responded, almost a bit harsher than I had planned to be.

"I just thought-" he barely got those words out before Piper had chimed in again.

"She's going through a tough time right now. We just want to have a girls night out and you're sitting here questioning her about her own age? Are you stupid or something. We just-" she started spitting words faster than a cheetah running after its next meal.

"Okay, okay. We don't need to make a big fuss. Go inside already stop whining!" He pushed the ID back into my hands and a wave of relief washed over me. I turned around to see Piper smirking like a devil child.

"This is a bad idea..." I warned, starting to feel uneasy as she handed me a shot of a random liquor. I've only ever had the wine that they serve in church. I barely ever go to church.

I bit at my lip nervously as I held the drink in my hand. "Drink it before I drink it for you!" She yelled over the music blaring into our eardrums. I felt a wild burning sensation filling my throat as the liquid went down.

"Hey can we get some more over here? I'm going to get her drunk off her ass!" Piper laughed and waved over the bartender. About 2 minutes later, there was a line of six shots in front of us.

"Three for you, three for me?" I asked.

"You guessed it, chicka. Now drink!" She quickly grabbed the shots and downed them, getting cheers from the people around us. I held another shot to my lips and sipped it, feeling the burning sensation bit it wasn't nearly as bad.

Soon enough I had gone through about 6 shots by myself and I was stumbling around in the heels that Piper had lent me. I was a lightweight, definitely a lightweight. The music that swirled around me sounded like fun tunes and I could tell my dancing could use some extra work. But I swayed along with the music and looked to my side, expecting to see Piper but being faced with nobody but the backs of other people.

I just laughed and continued on without a care in the world. Yet again, I stumbled, being caught by Piper who had mysteriously returned.

"arrrreeeee you having fuuuuuuun?" She slurred, letting out random giggles.

"Defi-" I lost my train of thought. "Defi-?" I tried again. "Definitely- ha! Ha ha!" I burst out into a fit of laughter and pulled Piper towards the bar again.

"I..." Piper had stopped to think straight for a moment. "I think you had enough drinks." She barely got the sentence out of her mouth without mixing up some of the words like a tongue twister.

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