Chapter 29

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Bella's Pov-

I hadn't been paying attention in school lately, the whole week was filled with random shit and assembly's. Now, I may be one for getting out of class for an assembly, but when they're every damn day about the same stupid topic, it gets a bit old. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't need to know any of this garbage, it was fluff in my brain.

"Bella. Bella did you hear what I just said?" Ashton waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, what?" I laughed, realizing that I just zoned out.

"I said, are you going to the party tonight? It's at Jacobs house." who the hell is Jacob??

"sure whatever. But you need to take me because I have no clue who the hell Jacob is." I was so tired and could physically feel myself zoning out again.

"wwwaaaakkkeee upppp" Ash shook my shoulders and let out a giggle. "Dont zone out again!"

"Stop ash I'm so tired. Of course I'm gonna zone out!" I rubbed my eyes, not remembering that I had makeup on.

"Um, Bella.." He started, looking at my face.

"Yeah, ash?" I stopped for a moment. "God fucking dammit! It's my makeup isn't it?" I questioned. He shook his head in response.

"Wait.... Do we have to dress up for that party tonight?" I asked. Of course I already had my costume but I needed to know if I actually needed to wear it.

"yeah, they're having some sort of contest with it, I think." He chuckled a bit as he swept his hand through his hair. "I know for a fact that the only people that are gonna win are girls with their tits hanging out of their shirt. I'm praying that you don't dress like that. You don't, do you?" he said, not wanting to sound rude but he obviously didn't like how some girls dressed on Halloween.

"no, I don't. But what if I did? Would you have a problem with it?" asking out of curiosity.

"no, I get the whole ''my body, my choice in outfits' type of thing. But it's just.. I don't know. They can dress up in such cool costumes but decide to dress like a stupid sexy cat instead. It just doesn't make sense to me." he answered.

"ah, I get it. Hey, I'll see you later ash!" I called out as we turned to walk into our neighboring houses.

"Alrighty! I'll see you before the party! That costume better be amazing." he warned, letting out what sounded like a giggle mixed with a yodel. A godel? A yiggle? Who knows.

I walked into my house, instantly getting the feeling of joy. I could hear my mom running around with Quinn and laughing her ass off. My dad, on the other hand, was sitting on the couch watching. I'm actually comfortable with my dad again, it just bothers me that he goes out drinking more often. He came home drunk two times last week and honestly I don't want it to happen again.

"Oh Bella!" My mom was so happy when she ran up to me.

"Yeah mom? What's got you so excited?" I asked, a smile spreading across my rosy pink cheeks.

"It's a boy!" She squealed.

"I'm going to have a brother?" I felt butterflies swarming in my stomach and tears forming.

"Yes! You're going to have a brother. And your father and I have decided to name him Mitch." Her smile, filled joy made my heart burst into a billion pieces. This was amazing.

"Oh my god I can't believe this." I put my hand over my mouth as happy tears came from my eyes.

She picked Quinn up and brought us all into a big hug, even my dad joined in. I could smell the alcohol on him, I need to talk to him about this, but not today. I'll do it tomorrow since he doesn't have work and I don't have school.

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