Chapter 25

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Bella's Pov-
"Luke, remember when we came here with Quinn? That was a pretty fun time." I said, taking another bite of a chicken nugget.

"Oh yeah I remember, what even happened that day?" He asked.

"Well as you know, my dad left us. But he came back. The huge deal was that he actually stole Quinn but my mom didn't call the cops. I have no clue why. But now she's back with us and so is he. I might as well get used to him being here though because my mom will pitch a fit if we don't get along." I threw my food away and I was now sitting with just my soda.

"Well that's horrible, obviously I don't know how it feels to be you but I'm so sorry that happened." He added.

"But hey, let's not get all depressed over it, let's be happy! Hey do you still have those pony toys?" I asked.

"Yeah I still have them, I put them in a spot where I won't lose them." He let out a small chuckle as he leaned back in his chair.

"I'm honestly shocked that you still have them, to be honest, I probably would've thrown them out." I laughed.

"You ready to go home or do you want to do something?" He asked.

"We can go and see a movie if you want? Obviously as friends, I know you have that thing going on with Marcel." My eyes went wide as I remembered that I still have t broken things off with him.

"Shit..." I mumbled underneath my breath.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?" Luke now started to panic, he didn't know how to handle these situations very well.

"No,no, I just... Ugh, oh my god why are relationships so hard." I put my face in my hands and let out a heavy sigh.

"What what do you mean? Did you guys-"

"Break up? No, not yet. I'm kinda the one who has to break up with him..." I fiddled around with my fingers.

"Wait why? What's happening here." Luke was now on the edge of his seat and leaning on the table.

"Do you want the whole story or short version?" I asked.

"Whole. Story."

"Well, I got locked out of my house one day so I decided to go for a walk. It was that really stormy night.. Friday! It was Friday. Anyway, it was just pouring down rain and I was walking to the store to get cover when Trevor was driving behind me. He tried to get me to go into his car but I refused so he splashed a huge muddy puddle on me. And I got angry so I kicked a garbage can over and it turns out that I kicked over Michael's garbage can. And he yelled at me so I kept walking and then it eventually ended up where he let me into his house and we were gonna have a movie night. Mind you that he was being really nice and shit. Then he said some stuff and wemayormaynothavekissedpleasedonttellmarcel." I rushed the last part, bracing myself for Luke's reaction. He sat there with wide eyes and a grin soon appeared on his face.

"Get it girllll." He said, making hand motions with it.

"I thought you were going to flip on me." I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll only flip on you if you don't break it off with Marcel but I know you were gonna do that." He added.

"Oh thank god." I replied, wiping nonexistent sweat off of my forehead.

"How about that movie now?" He said, making a gesture towards the door.

"Okay, yeah. Would we be able to go to my place so I can get different clothes?"

"No, let's just go in this, I'll be funny. " he assured.

We walked out and got into Luke's car yet again. The drive to the theatre was about 20 minutes so Luke started blasting music. We both sang along to every song that came on the radio, making eye contact with everyone who gave us funny looks. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket to see that there was a text from my mom.

"Honey, answer your phone. I have important news." It said, I told Luke to turn down the radio as I answered the call coming from my mother.

"Hey mom!" I said, a smile still on my lips.

"Hey Hun, I was going to tell you this in person but you weren't home and I don't think I could wait much longer." She said, almost sounding panicked.

"Wait what is it?" I asked, still being joyful and happy.

"Honey I'm pregnant, you're going to have another sibling!" She said, I could practically hear how excited she was.

"Pre- pregnant? Mom are you sure you want another baby?" My heft was now pumping at a rapid pace.

"Positive! I'm about 3 months along!" Wait what?? How the fuck didn't I notice?!

"And you're just finding out now?? How did you not get suspicious? And you know, there's a fucking fetus inside of you, how'd you not notice you were missing your period?" The car was now stopped and in the parking lot and Luke was watching my reactions and listening to my responses.

"Honey, calm down. You're gonna have a baby brother or sister! I don't know which but I honestly can't wait!" She sounded so happy.

"Well.. That's great mom. I'll be home soon." My facial expression now falling. I hung up the phone and looked at my hands for a bit and tugging my hands through my hair.

"Want me to take you home, Bells?" He asked.

"Yeah, Luke, thanks." I honestly didn't know what to think. Maybe I'm gonna be happy about having another younger sibling? Maybe not. Who knows anymore honestly...

"Hey, it'll be okay, trust me. This is probably how my brothers felt before I was born." He let out a small chuckle as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Thanks Luke, you're a pretty cool cat." I said, smiling once again.

"Eh, no problem. And thanks."

We arrived home shortly and I walked into my house to be greeted by my mother. She attacked me with hugs and kisses but honestly I was still shocked. For one, how did I not notice her growing a fucking baby bump. And two, how did she not notice the baby bump?!? She's 1/3 of the way through the fucking pregnancy and nobody noticed what the actual hell is going on?!??

"Mom I'm still confused to how you didn't know you were pregnant until 3 months after that thing started growing inside of you." I said, still wondering how I didn't notice either.

"I don't know, I thought I was just getting fat, to be honest." She seemed so relaxed about this and I still didn't get it one bit. "Ha, I'm just kidding. I knew, it's just that I didn't tell you."

"Well how do you not know the gender?" I asked.

"I'm going to find out next time I go to the doctors which is next month. I can't wait!" She was bouncing off the walls.

"This is like that show where the lady didn't know she was pregnant until she went into labor. Honestly though mom it's a bit ridiculous that everyone didn't notice. " I looked down at her stomach. Now my mother isn't the skinniest person, I don't want to sound rude but she's a tad on the heavier side... so that could explain why I didn't notice if I didn't look close enough.

"I don't know, Hun. But when I got checked out the first time with your father they said that it was perfectly healthy." She still didn't get what I was saying.

"Mother.. You have had a fetus growing inside of you for 3 months. Why didn't you tell me?!?" I said, now raising my voice.

"Honestly I don't know." She laughed and walked away. hoW DID WE NOT NOTICE SHE WAS 3 MONTHS PREGNANT OH MY GOD. I'm am in so much shock.

I walked upstairs and just sat on my bed and asking myself so many questions. Like again- how did we not notice there was a fucking baby inside of her womb for 3 months!!? I started laughing at how stupid all of us are because just wow. This is like a fucking TV show. Someone come out with the cameras! I can't do this oh my fucking God.


Sorry that that was so fucking corny but it has probably actually happened to someone before😂 it was honestly so ridiculous. Anywayyyy I made a new story called lifeless if you wanted to check it out? Okay byeee😂😂✌🏻️

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