Chapter 35

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Bella's Pov-

I woke up in the morning, feeling pretty refreshed actually. Although last night was filled with me constantly going to the bathroom to throw up and a bad migraine. I basically did nothing. But, I stuck through it and now I need to go to school.. Great.

"Ashton, wait up!" I called out to him. He had already started walking by the time I got outside.

"Oh hey! I wasn't sure if you were going to make it today." He laughed

"And why is that?" I questioned.

"Because you were drunk as fUCK." He said, making sure to add the emphasis on "fuck".

"Oh, you saw that... Well, it was fun while it lasted. The aftermath was not very fun.." I trailed off in my own words. "Well on the bright side, Michael and I are officially dating now so that's great."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That's really great though! We were all secretly shipping you guys anyway." I snapped my head to Ashton's direction so fast that I'm pretty sure I got whiplash.

"You did what?" I asked, laughing at the new information that was just brought to my attention.

"Yeah? Luke, Calum, and I were all shipping you two. We thought you'd be cute together, y'know? Michael likes to pick at people and you're the one who would fight back with him, you were the only one I've ever seen him pick at that much.  It was obvious that he liked you, he'd talk about you a lot too." Wowzers.

"So what you're telling me is; every time Michael would pick at me, it was because he liked me?"

"Not every time but I'd say a good portion of it was because he liked you. I know for a fact at one point he generally didn't like you at all, sorry." Why is he telling me this, I'm about to burst out laughing.

"That sounds like the most ridiculous logic I've ever heard but I guess that's Michael for you. " I couldn't contain my laughter any longer and I was now having a fit. 

"Ah, we're back at hell... The home of bad grades and torture." We stood there and admired- well I wouldn't really say admired- the school, dreading to go in. But we did anyway since it was pretty much mandatory.

"Hey babe." I saw Michael get off of the wall he was leaning on and walk towards me.

"Hey trashboat." I said back.

"You're still going to call me that dumb nickname?" He sneered.

"That nickname is not 'dumb', it's cute." I argued.

"How is that even remotely close to a cute nickname? I call you babe, you call me trashboat, this is such a corresponding relationship." He rubbed his temples with one hand as he took my hand in his other. "You may make up shitty nicknames but at least they're my shitty nicknames."

"That's more like it, show some appreciation man. Wait, where's Ashton?" I glanced around the hallway to see Ashton talking to my friend Bryana.

"I ship it." Michael mumbled.

"I do too. Brashton for life." I whispered back.

"I thought it's Mella for life?"

"It is, but I'm trying to ship them right now, we're official. I just- ugh Michael just let me ship them ok..." I stopped for a moment, a bit frustrated. "Wait Mella? Is that our ship name?"

"Well of course, I don't recall you dating the Michelin Man or something." He joked.

"Well yet again, obviously it's Mella for life but let me ship Ashton and Bryana right now." I unlocked my locker and set my backpack inside. I then took out my books for the first 4 periods and then went on my way, hugging Michael before I left.

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