Chapter 23

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Bella's Pov-
Ringing, beeping, thumping, just any type of noise woke me up last night and I had gotten no sleep.  I stared up at my ceiling, watching my fan spinning around in endless circles. I just felt like doing nothing but I had Luke's party to attend so I couldn't just skip out and miss the fun! Why did my bed have to be so comfy when I needed to leave?!?

I drug my feet out and then walked over to my bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth then walked out, back into my freezing room. My door was slightly open and I could hear my parents talking about something downstairs and like everyone else, I started eavesdropping on them... Oops.

"Frank, how are we going to make this work?" I heard my mother say.

What do they need to make work? Are they getting a divorce?! One can dream...

"Hun, we'll find a way! Trust me it'll all work out, you're still young and so am I." I heard my father say.

The only person here that was still young was Quinn. But my stepmother was in her early thirties. My dad, on the other hand, is almost 40, I don't know how young you'd consider that to be.

"But I don't know if we can, Frank! What will the kids think? It's not like we can avoid telling them, they're going to find out eventually." I heard my mom let out a sigh and pull out a chair, I decided to walk down the steps and watch everything unfold in front of my eyes.

She had her head held in her hands and my dad was on the other side of the room, not even near her. What a prick. My mom looked sad but my dad looked like nothing was wrong, almost like nothing just happened.

"I'm gonna go wake the kids up, they'll probably want breakfast." My mom said, I bolted up the stairs but tripped on one and fell down. She asked me if I was okay but didn't bother to ask about why I was on the stairs in the first place, I guess that's good.

I walked into the kitchen and started rummaging around inside of the cabinets, looking for anything to eat. My eyes scanned over the poptarts and cereals but to be honest I didn't want breakfast foods for breakfast. I went into the cabinet and grabbed out the ramen noodles, perfect!

I opened the packaging, poured the water on the noodles, then put it in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. My dad awkwardly stood there as I waited for my noodles to be done, why is he always doing this? I let sat there for a moment before I spoke.

"You know-" I started.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I know I've been a dick but I want you to hear me out." He interrupted.

"So you finally grew some balls and decided to apologize.? Okay let's hear it." I responded, not showing much emotion.

"Bella.. I know it's the same shit when you hear me say that I'm sorry but I want you to know that I truly am. When your mother and I split, it was stressful, I got mad and I lashed out on you for reasons unknown. I honestly don't know if you will forgive me for what I did but I want another chance with you... To fix this... To fix us. I can't let my daughter hate me. I just want you to know that I love you so, so much, Bella." He put his head in his hands as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"If you love me so much then why would you leave and steal Quinn? We almost called the cops! You could've went to jail. But honestly if you want my trust back, it'll take more than a sob story and some fake tears. You need to earn it back, I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings but you did this, you hurt me. I can't just let you back into my life like that, I'm sorry." I continued standing by the microwave as the timer counted down from 10 seconds. My dad was staring at me the whole time with sad and glossy eyes, each agonizing second left on the microwave spoke a different sentence from my father...

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