Chapter 31

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Bella's Pov-

"Ugh dad, you really need to stop this. For your own safety and ours." I whispered to him when he woke up.

"Fuck off Bella, you don't understand." He mumbled into the couch cushions. He had been sleeping there for the past week or so. I knew it was because of him drinking, I wouldn't want my husband coming into our bed drunk.


"I said; fuck. Off." He didn't have to tell me twice. Slowly, I got up from the chair placed across from him and left, not wanting to be near him any longer than I had to be.

I let out a sigh as I walked up the stairs, not accomplishing anything that I had planned to. Of course I knew he wouldn't stop just like that but I actually expected him to have a proper conversation about it. I'd rather listen to my nana talk for 3 hours than hear my dad nag for 5 minutes.

The school year had been going by faster than I expected. And, of course, I'm passing with straight A's. I don't want to brag but I've always done well in school, whether I was trying or not. But, I was human, I have failed tests before. I just didn't fail enough to get below a 90 on my average.

Back where I was from, I'd be the stereotypical "nerd". I had big glasses and gross clothing which I highly regret wearing now. I can't blame them for making fun of me because I probably would've too. My face cringed as I remember all of those horrible years of constantly being made fun of. They never knew what went down at home though, I'd always get into trouble. I've tagged fences and set off alarms by running through my neighborhood, reeking havoc on the neighbors. It was honestly really fun. I'd do it again if I could.

But I'm so glad that I've broken out of my shell... For the most part. I'm still a bit shy and get anxiety attacks from things but I can live with it. I'm just happy that I changed with what I was wearing. I don't wear my glasses as often because of my contacts, and I don't wear those gross collared shirts anymore which is a huge relief. Now I look like a normal teenage girl instead of a nana.

About a week has gone past in school, each day I get piles and piles of homework from different teachers. Due to my advanced classes, they think that class isn't hard enough so they give us tons of extra homework. Nobody takes me seriously in those classes either. Because now- with my freshly dyed blue hair- I apparently look like some punk who doesn't take my work seriously.

But that's a big reason why I'm striving to do all of my work and getting A's in every class; I want to prove them wrong. Just because I look tough doesn't mean I'm too cool for school. Sorry if you thought that, fam.

"Hey Bella, wait up!" I turned my head to see calum following me down the hallway. His books were hanging from his hands and papers from his folders were falling out, making my OCD act up.

"What do you need calum?" I adverted my eyes from his gaze as we continued walking down the hallway. Some people stopped and stared, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion to why they had been staring. But then I remembered; I look really different with my hair, but also because I was walking down the hallway with calum. Apparently that's a crime, to be seen with Mr.Hood is a felony. Probably because every girl here has had a crush on him since 2nd grade.

"Why'd you guys leave the party the other night? We were looking for you!" He sped up his pace and caught up with me. Although my legs are small, they're pretty damn fast.

"Well." I ran my hands through my hair, "after that whole fight, I- I mean we- didn't really want to stay. Too much drama for one night."

"I guess if my boyfriend beat the shit out of some guy I'd want to leave too." He chuckled a bit. Then the realization hit me about the term "boyfriend". I stopped in my tracks and stood motionless.

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