Chapter 30

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Bella's Pov-

"What movie are we going to watch? What do you have?" I sat on his couch and let out a sigh.

"Oh, we're not staying here, going to the cinema." He laughed a bit and pulled me up, I just plopped back down.

"But I just want to be a small ball of lazy and eat candy for the rest of the night." I flailed my arms and legs across the couch.

"Come on Bella, we haven't gone to the cinema in a while!" He whined.

"Because last time we went there you got into a fight with Trevor." I put my hands over my face as I felt a smile approaching.

"You know about that?" He questioned.

"Obviously. Luke was handing you those damn baby wipes and you had some blood on your knuckles, it's not that hard to guess. Especially because you have him a black eye." I giggled and curled myself into the fetal position on his couch.

"Can we PLEASE go to the cinemaaaa??!" He tugged at my arm gently.

"How am I supposed to cuddle you at the cinema? I just wanna watch a horror movie with you here and cuddle. We can be two lumps of laziness together." I put the hood up on his sweatshirt and covered my face.

"What if I carry you to the car? We can go to the drive ins, I'll cuddle you there and we technically don't have to leave the comfort of being inside." I contemplated the proposition for a moment, pondering on going there or not.

"Sure. But you have to carry me! You promised!" I leaned up and held my arms out, gesturing for him to lift me.

"Come here princess." He sighed, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head in the crook of his neck.

"You're really cuddly, Michael. You look like this big ol' punk rocker but you're just a kitten with fun colored hair." I giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Well, if I'm a kitten, than I can't carry you!-" he pulled his arms away quickly and I latched onto his side, not wanting to fall. "Haha, just kidding, I wouldn't drop you."

"That's not funny!" I whined, pouting my lips. He quickly gave me a quick peck and blushed a bit.

"Wow, someone is being cuddly tonight." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Just for you, babe." He opened the car door and sat me inside. I put on my seatbelt and waited for him.

"Oh wait a minute!" He closed his door and ran back into the house, coming out about ten minutes later with about 10 pillows and 5 blankets.

"Do we really need all of this?" I questioned, pushing everything into the back of the SUV.

"It is necessary for the maximum amount of enjoyment for the film." He hopped in and started driving.

It was about ten minutes until we started passing food places. I was a bit hungry and as soon as I saw a maccas, I knew I'd be craving it.

"Take my money!" I pressed my face against the window as we passed it by.

"What are you talking about?" He turned his head to look at me quickly before returning his eyes to the road.

"Drive this car through the drive thru...PLEASE!"   I bounced in my seat like an excited toddler.

"You really like Maccas don't you? You've gone there like three times in a month." He laughed.

"Well since we passed it, I got hungry. But I'm always hungry so I guess it doesn't really make a difference."

"Hold on let me turn around. We'll go and get your precious chicken nuggets."

By the time we were done in the drive thru, the movie was about to start. We had gotten 3 packages of 20 piece mc nuggets, 3 packages of medium fries, and two milkshakes. Of course I helped pay for it, I can't expect him to constantly pay for everything. It's unfair.

"Okay, we need to go right now so we can catch the movie." We got back into the car and rushed down the street, making it just in time for the movie.

"What movie are we seeing, Michael?" I grabbed his hand as we pulled into our spot.

"I think it's called the visit? Not sure though." He plopped another handful of french fries into his mouth.

"I've heard about this movie.. Doesn't look very scary." I gulped down my sip of milkshake.

"Well we'll have to see about that." He raised his eyebrows and let out a "scary" laugh. It just sounded like he was choking on his food though.


"Honey, those aren't your grandparents..." The mother said. I burst out laughing and people around us started to shush me and stare.

"How stupid can she be? Mother of the year goes to this lady." I whispered to Michael.

"I know right. But I'll have to admit, I did not expect that one."  He whispered back.

The movie continued on, pulling classic clichés every now and then. By now you could almost predict what would happen, it was pretty obvious. The fake grandparents would be murders, the kids kill them, and make it out alive. Classic. The story plot was a bit boring though, I don't know what kind of mother would just let her young kids go off without her and then not even check to make sure she's with the right family? I don't know. The whole movie just made me laugh and everyone looked at me like I was crazy, but horror movies just don't phase me like they used to.

"So what did you think?" He asked, pulling out of the lot.

"I thought it was okay, I've seen better." I admitted.

"I thought the same exact thing, to be honest." He said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Want to head back to my place or do you want to go home?" He questioned.

"I think my mom will want me home, my dad has been causing some trouble with how much he's been drinking so I'm sure she doesn't want to be alone with him much longer." I said it casually, like it was nothing new. And to be honest, it wasn't. My dad has been coming home like this for weeks now, drunken out of his mind. But he just goes and passes out on the couch like a potato.

"Need any help dealing with it?" His voice was concerned.

"Nah, we're good. He just falls asleep." I brushed it off.

"Hey Bella..." He started.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"I have a confession to make. I don't want it to cause a fault in our relationship but I don't think I can hold it in any longer. It's so hard for me to keep lying to you, and even to myself sometimes. Do you promise that you won't leave me?" His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed stressed.

"Michael you're scaring me." My voice becoming a bit shaken up.

"Just promise me."

"I promise." My mind wandered to all of the horrible things that he could confess to me. My heart began to race as he looked over at me.

"I really... Really..." He let out a brisk exhale. "-Like Pokemon" he burst out laughing and had to pull over to the side of the road so we wouldn't crash.

"Michael you scared me!" I punched his arm and pouted in my seat.

"Well the movie didn't scare you so I had to! I'm sorry kitten." He gave me a kiss on the lips and we continued driving and talking about random things.

"Hey Michael," I said.

"Mhm?" He hummed.

"You're a little shit you know that?" I laughed.

"I may be a little shit... But I'm your little shit." He took my right hand in his left as he drove down the streets.




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