Chapter 27

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Bella's Pov-
The school week rushed by. Leaving me with tons of work that I needed to catch up on. There was going to be a Halloween party since Halloween was on a Friday this year, I honestly didn't know if I could go. I mean, I live going to parties -especially for Halloween- but I have all of this work.

Michael and I had been sitting at my desk for the past hour, not really getting anything done because of my rambling and Michael not paying attention. He picked at my rug and pulled out a few strings, tossing them to the side. My glasses slid down my face and I didn't push them back up. It was a habit of me to have them so low on my face, I wouldn't even realize it. My mother would always complain about it bothering her but I never really minded it, mostly because I never noticed.

I flipped to the next page of my book, trying desperately to focus. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head, waking myself up just enough to continue. The small lamp on my desk flickered, it was going to burn out soon so I needed to replace it. But as of now, I'll just turn on the big light instead.

I got up and turned on my ceiling fan which also had a light in it. I was about half way through my math work when I saw Michael sit back and close his eyes. I can't just let him fall asleep, we both have work to do.

"Michael don't fall asleep." I whispered, shaking his shoulder.

"I'm not gonna fall asleep." He grumbled, motioning me to go away.

"Michael I'm not gonna leave, this is my house." I let out a small giggle. I grabbed my pencil and poked his face with the eraser, watching his cheeks squish.

"StooOOoOp" Michael whined.

I went back to work and just left him there. I can tell he's just going to keep procrastinating, I won't waste the effort. My hair had been falling in my face so I grabbed a hair tie and pulled it up, leaving a few strands behind by accident.

"Do we really need to do this work now? We have all weekend. How about we talk about the party?" He suggested.

"Michael if I don't do it now, it's not getting done." I let out a sigh as I started writing equations and different math problems on the paper.

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Yes, now do your work." I mumbled.

"I'd rather do you." I could see the smirk plastered on his face from that remark. My cheeks turned a shade of Crimson and a small smile was placed on my lips.

"Michael... Really?" I was still blushing.

"Really, really, Bella." He grabbed my waist and pulled my chair closer to him, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Michael come on..." He clung onto my shoulders as I tried to shake him off. After about  two minutes, I gave up my efforts.

"Wanna make out?" He said it as more of a statement rather than a question.

I looked over at him, "I'm just gonna ignore what you just said." I let out a chuckle.

He grumbled and sat back again, now laying on my carpet. I was just about done so I rushed the last two questions, I knew I got them wrong anyway. I closed my books and put them in my backpack. Each book weighed about 3 pounds or more so they made my life horrible on the walk home.

At the time, nobody was in my house. It was just Michael and I. Quinn went over the neighbors house for a play date with their two daughters and my parents went on a date for once in like 5 months. I didn't want to carry my backpack down on Monday morning so I got up from my chair and took my backpack with me.

"Michael, I'll be back in a second. I'm just going to take this downstairs." I looked over to see tired Michael sprawled out over my floor.

"Okay." He said into the carpet, too lazy to lift his head.

I headed down the steps and placed my backpack at the bottom by the railing. Then I walked into the kitchen, grabbing some chips and sodas for us to eat while we were upstairs. Then I came back upstairs, not rushing because of the food I had to balance.

"Michael, Babe, I didn't know what flavor of chips you wanted so I just grabbed-" I peeked inside of my bedroom to see Michael's shoes on the floor and him cuddled up in blankets on my bed, fast asleep.

Gently, I put down the items, being careful not to make a ton of noise. I already had my shoes off so I just climbed in with him. But, because Michael made a cocoon out of blankets, I huddled close to the outside of him. Yes. It was very awkward. And yes, I was cold. But I can't complain because it was hella cute.

I looked up at him and placed a gentle kiss on his cold nose. His eyes opened slightly, seeing me sitting next to him. In about three seconds he was already opening his arms and I was inside the mound of blankets. His body heat was keeping me warmer than the blanket surrounding us both. I scrunched my nose as I looked at him, he did the same exact thing and he looked just like a little kitten, aw. Then I put my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent as I hugged onto him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Can't we just stay like this forever?" I said.

"Not forever, we have to walk down the aisle some day." His tone completely serious.

"Why are you thinking about this now? And maybe it won't even be me that you're getting married to. I could be replaced with some blonde bimbo." I let out a small laugh and so did he.

"Doubt it." He added.

"You're being such a cutie." I smiled.

"No, I'm punk rock. Um, that never happened." He quickly tried to save himself.

"Sure.. Okay."

"You little shit, I hate you." He hugged closer to me as we both started yawning and falling asleep.

"I love you too, idiot."

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