Chapter 18

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Bella's Pov-
I woke up the next morning feeling completely refreshed. Maybe I was just sleep deprived, that could've been my problem... I stretched my arms and body as I slid out of my bed to put in my clothes. I need to go shopping again... I dug through my closet, unable to find a suitable shirt when my eyes found my Hollister bag that I still hadn't unpacked from when Piper and I went shopping. I rushed over to the bag and pulled out the beautiful striped shirt, putting it on. It fit me nicely and I have to say that I feel great in this shirt. I paired it with a pair of light blue skinnies and tan Sperrys.

My loud footsteps were heard throughout the house as I walked down my steps and into the kitchen to be greeted by my father. He had the look of disgust on his face as he saw me walking in.

"What's your problem?" I asked with a slight hint of attitude.

"I knew that you were faking it." He whispered.

"I wasn't faking it, dammit! You saw me throwing up and me sleeping the whole day because I was sick! Why do you insist that I was faking?" I said through gritted teeth.

"You're perfectly fine now so that doesn't help your case." He mumbled as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Where's mom and Quinn?" I replied after a brief moment of silence.

"She went into work early and Quinn is still asleep."

"Well when you talk to them tell them that I said hello." I said sweetly.

"Sure okay, whatever." He replied. I grabbed two poptarts for Ashton and I as I was about to leave. I heard my dad mumbling behind me.

"If you eat those you're gonna get even heavier..." He mumbled, my mouth flew open but he didn't seem to notice. All he seemed to care about was the damn newspaper. I walked out of the door and met with Ashton, handing him one of the poptarts.

The walk to school was almost completely silent, but it was a good silent. We walked side by side, occasionally swapping glances and giggling. Ashton and I both decided to play the silent game, whoever talked first lost. But even if we were called on by teaches we couldn't talk, that added the challenge that was needed. I grabbed out a small notepad and began writing down little notes, Ashton tried to see what they were, little did he know that they were my advantage. I had written notes for all of the teachers explaining that I had a sore throat and it was painful to speak. Al of my teachers gladly took the notes and explained that I didn't have to talk if it hurt my throat. This is the part where I win.

In first period we did nothing so I didn't have to speak. In second period, we copied notes the whole class. In third period we watched a movie. And finally in fourth period people were presenting their extra credit projects. Everyone who had to present went up and spoke to the class. Neither Ashton and I had done the extra credit so we didn't have to go up. Lunch is what was going to break either one of us. That got me worried. Ashton and I both got our lunches and sat down with the rest of the group but this time Marcel decided to join us for once.

"Babe, you look amazing in that shirt. Like, extremely hot." He said focusing his gaze from my chest and then back to my face. How was I supposed to answer this?? I took out my small notebook and began writing a little letter explaining to everyone that Ashton and I are placing a bet on who could last the longest. Marcel and Michael didn't seem to be very amused... Party poopers.

"So you're not going to answer me then..?" He said looking at me. Did he not just read that note or something... It's not that hard to understand. I picked up my pencil again and started writing. My notepad and pencil were pushed out of my hands and slammed into the table.

"No more notes, I want you to fucking answer me with words. This is what humans are made to do. Now use your voice and speak." He snapped. I looked at him, knitting my eyebrows while I had a small bit of fear put into my facial expression.

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