Chapter 5

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Bella's Pov-
I got home and went into my shower. A long day calls for a long relaxing shower... Definitely. I got in and started thinking about the party and how my plans were finally coming through. I met a few boys, made some new friends, maybe this year wasn't going to be horrible.

After about 15 minutes I got out of the shower and picked out my outfit for tomorrow. Another pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a maroon muscle tee, and I was going to wear my maroon vans to go with it. I'm going to wear my hair down for this party since it seemed right. My hair is naturally straight so I just have to brush it and part it where it looks nice.

I sat down on my bed and realized I had about 10 texts from the boys thanking me for inviting them. I respond back to all of them and then do my chemistry and math homework. I'm just glad I'm good in both subjects because the homework looked really hard if you don't understand it. I rush through it just to be done with it.

My bed looked a mess but I didn't care. I jumped right in and almost instantly fell asleep.
I got ready for school, ate a big breakfast, said goodbye, and then left. Ashton was waiting for me today so we'd get to catch up. He told me that today is basically a "club day". All of our classes are shortened and you go to your club at the end of the day. Ash had signed me up for his same club which is basically just sitting there and doing nothing but he said the teacher didn't care what you did. The unfortunate part about that, though, is that occasionally Michael's club joins ours if the teacher can't hold the club. Just another worry to add to my plate.

The day was going by pretty slow but I couldn't wait until lunch to talk about the party. Ashton told me he was going to be a bit late for lunch because he had to get something g from the office. I walked down and grabbed my food, by my surprise nobody was at out table yet. I wasn't really hungry at lunch because I had a big breakfast, but it didn't look appetizing to me anyway. I pushed my plate to the side and went on my phone. I heard a chair move from across the table to see Michael sitting there with his lunch. Why is nobody else here yet?!? Michael just stared at me and went back to eating.

"Why aren't you eating?" I tilt my head up to see Michael looking at me with a questioning look.


"I said, why aren't you eating?" I was so confused to why he was going to start a conversation with me after he was so rude before.

"I don't know, I had a big breakfast. And this food doesn't look too great to me." I say awkwardly and look down at the table.

"Well, could I have it then? I'm starving."

"Just take it." I say bluntly while I'm a bit annoyed.

"Hey, I'm just trying to start conversation. You don't need need to be rude." He snapped.

I lean in to the table to get closer to him.
"I'm going to say this because you obviously don't get it Michael, I'm rude to you because you're rude to me. It's weird when it's reversed... Isn't it?" I say and lean back once again.

"Well I wouldn't be rude if you just backed off! Why'd you even sit here anyway?"

"I'm friends with the rest of the boys, they let me sit here. I don't get it with you, I introduced myself to you and then you instantly hated me. What's your problem with me? What have I ever done to you?!? You act like a fucking dick to me and I don't even know why! Just because you may not like me doesn't mean that's how it is with the others. AND Trevor just asked me to go to his party. So look at that, Michael. More people are coming around and I'm making more friends. I think Trevor might even like me, so MAYBE I'll just go on a date with him! If one of the really popular kids comes around me and likes me, then I don't get why you say that nobody likes me!" I snap back at him, I'm furious now.

"You better stay the hell away from him!" He shouts at me.

"Oh, for someone who doesn't care about other people you sure do care about telling people who they can and can't see! I'm going to that party at Trevor's and you're not stopping me, Michael. I'm not letting you get to me anymore!" I stand up and yell at him.

Right as I stood up the rest of the boys just sat down. Ashton grabbed my hand and sat me back down at the table. I didn't want to but I did anyway, just to make him leave me alone. I put my head in my arms and leaned on the table.

"What's the problem between you two?!" Calum asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it Cal." I said while still hiding in my arms.

"Oh. So the drama queen doesn't want attention now? Okay!" Michael said.
My head shot up and I looked right at him.

"No, what this 'drama queen' wants is some fucking respect!" I say, leaving the table and walking towards the bathroom in the hallway.

Everyone sat there in shock, even Michael. I stayed in the bathroom for a little bit to calm myself down so I wouldn't go after anyone and bash their face into something. Lunch was just getting out so I left and went to 5th period

At the end of the day I told Ashton everything that has happened and all he could say was "Wow". He showed me where our club was and he was right, we basically did nothing. But then it happened. The thing I was dreading. Michaels club merged with mine so now I had to deal with him In here too! When is he ever going to stay out of here? I always see him everywhere!

Michael sat next to Ashton, he was basically right next to me. So as soon as he sat down, I got up and moved about three seats away. All I was doing this whole time was drawing, like usual. I saw ash talking to Mikey, neither of them looked happy. I just sat alone for the whole class period. On occasion I'd see Michael and ash look at me but then they just went back to their conversation. I couldn't wait to leave.

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