Chapter 43 - Sneaky Child

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Did I trick you with my previous chapters title . .


Caver sighed before making his way back to his seat, it was useless from the beginning. His ending would be to eventually die in the hands of the Hero and forever be seen as an evil being who tried to take over the world, not as Caver, no not never as Caver. It would be a miracle if a human even referred to or knew his name as Caver.


'I can't believe it... They're going so far as to attacking me now.. So much for trying to resurrect me.'

He had no choice but to act like a typical noble in front of Choi Han. Well, what choice did he even have? If he acted like he did know Choi Han or as trash then his cover would be blown. It was safer to act like an arrogant noble, they would never expect him to be like that.

After all, fooling your enemies senses and deterring them from their goal is what he was best at.

'I feel like a kid sneaking back into my room...'

Deon opened the door to his estate carefully, trying not to make a single sound slip out. When he succeeded, he breathed out a relieved sigh.

"And where were you?"

'Holy fuck!'

It was none other than Cruel, with a very reprimanding, but somehow still a gentle look on his face. Deon almost felt like screaming but suppressed the urge to do so, he will never get used to people appearing

Deon turned around and face Cruel who crossed his arms. He heard a sigh from Cruel who placed Deon's cloak on the stairs.

"I won't pressure you to tell me what happened, but you had me concerned, you didn't come home for hours."


'Is it something that serious?'

Deon pondered about it, he knew that he would get scolded for coming back late. That's what happened to me with his uncle, except, instead of a scolding, he had a bottle of alcohol thrown at his face.

Getting scolded was way better than alcohol bottles thrown at him, that was an obvious fact. Sometimes he's really glad that he reincarnated.


"No it's fine, it wasn't your fault. You should head to bed, it's not good for you if you don't get enough sleep."

Cruel stroked Deon's head, he knew what was going on through his baby's head but chose not to dwell on it, after all, it wasn't his baby brother's fault that he now acted like this. Slowly but surely he'll heal Deon's wounds eventually, but for now this was good enough.

He walked Deon to his room, an aura swept through the two of them as they walked to Deon's bedroom as they did when they children. Deon immediately fell asleep under the influence of the black fog while Cruel remained awake to catch the falling whitehead.

"The God of Death..?"

"..Sorry about that, I need to fix something."


Obviously it had something to do with Deon seeing how he immediately passed out while Cruel remained awake and unaffected by the black fog.

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